The Limited Times

The Permanent Secretary of the Treasury Bureau visited Japan last week to meet with financial experts and officials to promote Hong Kong's status as an international financial center

11/21/2022, 8:54:48 PM

With the epidemic under control, government officials have accelerated their overseas visits to tell the story of Hong Kong. The Permanent Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury (Financial Affairs) Yan Meimei visited Japan last week and attended the International Monetary Fund on November 17 and 18

With the epidemic under control, government officials have accelerated their overseas visits to tell the story of Hong Kong.

The Permanent Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury (Financial Affairs) Yan Meiwei visited Japan last week. On November 17 and 18, she attended the "International Monetary Fund Asia Pacific Regional Office and the University of Tokyo Financial Education Research Center" in Tokyo, Japan. Managing Financial Risk in a Shock-Prone World" conference.

The bureau stated that she had conducted discussions with governments, financial regulators, industry representatives and scholars from the Asia and Pacific region on the impact of globalization, the epidemic, geopolitics, central bank monetary policy and climate change on the financial system, as well as the maintenance of financial stability. discuss.

The Bureau of Finance and Treasury stated that during the exchange, many representatives at the meeting expressed to the Permanent Secretary, Zhen Meiwei, that Hong Kong's participation showed the importance attached to this meeting, and the timing was very appropriate, especially when the external environment was changing rapidly and Hong Kong as an international The financial center is also an important channel and platform for the world to enter the mainland and other markets in Asia. It can continue to play an important role in cooperation in market development and maintaining financial stability.

They expressed their joy at the enhanced connectivity in Hong Kong and hoped to revisit it soon.

During the visit, Zhen Meiwei also met with Kenji Okamura, Vice President of the International Monetary Fund, and Junichi Nakajima, Chief Financial Officer of the Japanese Financial Services Agency. At the same time, share Hong Kong's various risk management measures to play their due role in ensuring the stability of the financial system and maintain market resilience.

During the meeting, representatives of the International Monetary Fund and Japanese officials were deeply interested in the development of different areas of Hong Kong's finance, including financial technology and measures for green and sustainable financial development. She introduced the Government's Green and Sustainable Finance Inter-agency Steering Group and Launched a licensing system for virtual asset service providers, and shared insights from financial leaders attending the International Financial Leaders Investment Summit held in Hong Kong earlier.

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