The Limited Times

El Chicle returns to the bench for the other violation that Diana Quer's crime uncovered: "I am not aggressive"

11/22/2022, 10:55:37 PM

The victim of sexual assault for which Abuín was asked to serve 15 years in prison denounced him in 2005, but the judge did not believe her and closed the case

José Enrique Abuín Gey, aka

El Chicle

, murderer and rapist of Diana Quer, managed to evade justice twice before falling for this crime on December 29, 2017. He became a suspect in the disappearance of the young woman from Madrid in 2016 in A Pobra do Caramiñal (A Coruña). at first, but the investigators slipped a false alibi that ended up falling apart.

More than a decade earlier, he had managed to dodge another sexual assault complaint, the one filed against him by his own sister-in-law.

The judges did not believe the girl, who was a minor at the time, and filed the investigations away.

The case was only reopened after solving Quer's crime and this time it has come to trial in the Provincial Court of A Coruña.

The Prosecutor's Office asks Chicle for 15 years in prison for raping the teenager on the morning of January 17, 2005, after offering to take her to the institute.

Diana Quer's murderer has been released from jail where he is serving a reviewable permanent prison sentence to attend the first session of the trial this Tuesday.

"I'm not aggressive, could you take off my handcuffs?" El Chicle asked from the bench, also annoyed that they refer to him with this nickname.

With his hands free, he has denied that he raped her 17-year-old sister-in-law at knifepoint, despite the fact that several witnesses have later confirmed the state of shock in which they found the victim on the day in question.

She has recounted that that winter morning, dark and rainy, Abuín called her on her mobile when she was on her way to catch the bus to go to school.

He offered to give her a ride in her car because, according to what he told her, he had to give her money that he owed to her father.

"I hesitated, but then I went," said the woman.

He had his reasons for hesitating.

He had already gone overboard with her a long time ago, a "fiddling" about which he complained to her sister, the wife of Chicle.

When the defendant later raped her, she told him that this was happening to her "for a snitch", he has declared in court.

The sister-in-law of Diana Quer's murderer testified that, after picking her up in her car, she turned off the road to the institute and took her to a secluded place, next to a chapel.

Always according to the victim's testimony, the defendant closed the car doors, took his mobile phone and pulled out a knife.

He told her to get naked and give him a fellatio.

She refused and so he put on a condom and fell on top of her, pressing the gun against her side: “With every movement I felt a sting and I froze.

I just wanted it all to end and get out of there."

She claims that El Chicle threw the used condom out of her window and threatened to kill her family if she reported the attack.

"Disoriented and nervous", the girl did not attend any class that morning, despite the fact that El Chicle left her at the institute after assaulting her.

She called a friend of hers, who left the center and stayed with her throughout the morning.

Her partner has stated that she found her in the bathroom sitting on the floor: "She was crying and shaking a lot, she was hugging me."

The witness recalled that her friend repeated that she could not file a complaint because he had threatened to harm her family.

When she got home, Chicle's sister-in-law confessed what had happened to another of her sisters, not to her attacker's wife, and she was the one who convinced her to tell her friends everything, despite her fear of threats. fathers.

That same day she went to a medical center, filed a complaint with the Civil Guard and, the next, underwent a forensic examination in Santiago.

Abuín was arrested and was even imprisoned for four months, but he denied the facts and managed to convince the judge of his innocence.

The court in Noia (A Coruña) that handled the case ended up filing it away.

Two psychologists from the Institute of Legal Medicine of Galicia (Imelga) have discredited the forensic report that was carried out in 2005 and in which it is concluded that the victim does not present symptoms of having been sexually assaulted.

The two witnesses have assured that that study is incomplete and contains contradictions, and that in the examination they carried out in 2019 after the case was reopened, it was appreciated that the story of the Chicle's sister-in-law is "credible".

She presents "symptoms typical of a victim", a "post-traumatic symptomatology".

The complainant has acknowledged this Tuesday that she spent months in psychological treatment but that, despite the 17 years that have elapsed, she has not overcome the trauma.

She experienced the sexual assault "as a shame" that she continues to feel, she says.

"I'm not able to talk about it," she has admitted during her halting statement.

After her rape, she stopped going out, broke up with her partner, and did not do activities alone again.

With El Chicle she ended up having a "rather distant" relationship because of her sister Rosario, who was married to him and with whom she has a daughter.

The sister to whom she confessed on her day what Abuín did to her has admitted this Tuesday at trial that, when Diana Quer disappeared, the defendant asked them to "lie for him" and they did so.

The first session of the trial against El Chicle was attended by Diana Quer's father.

At the gates of the Provincial Court of A Coruña, Juan Carlos Quer recalled that if Abuín had been in prison due to the complaint from his sister-in-law who is on trial now, "Diana's life would not unfortunately have ended the way it ended ”.

He has stressed that the attempted kidnapping of a girl in Boiro (A Coruña) in December 2017 had not occurred either, an assault for which El Chicle has been sentenced to five years in prison and which led investigators to accuse him of the crime of Quer.

"When justice does not arrive, arrives late or arrives badly in the face of a rapist, sexual offender or pedophile, there are always innocent victims who pay the consequences of those errors in our legal system," he denounced.

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