The Limited Times

Covid, Fiaso: '+ 77% of ICU admissions in the last 7 days'

11/23/2022, 3:25:30 PM

According to Fiaso, ICU admissions have risen by 77% in the last 7 days. The hospitalization curve is reversed, but the absolute values ​​are still contained (ANSA)

The curve of

Covid hospitalizations is changing


Patients hospitalized with


infection are in fact rising again: in the last 7 days the number of hospitalized patients, between ordinary wards and intensive care units, has grown by



For ordinary wards, the number of

hospitalized patients went from 487 to 595 (+22.2%)

, while for intensive care there was a significant increase


albeit with limited absolute values ​​(from 18 to 32 hospitalized patients) .

This is what emerges from the report (relating to 16-22 November compared to the period 9-15) of the 20 sentinel hospitals belonging to

the Fiaso network, the Federation of hospitals.

It is, Fiaso specifies, the

first significant increase

, beyond some slight adjustments that occurred in October, after four almost continuous months of progressive decline in the number of beds occupied in hospitals.

In particular, both patients for Covid, i.e. those who have developed

pulmonary respiratory syndromes (+16%)

and those With Covid, i.e. those who arrived at the hospital for the treatment of other pathologies but were accidentally found positive to the pre-test hospitalization (+28%).

The numbers, continues the Federation of Hospitals, therefore testify to a

recovery in the circulation of the virus

, already recorded by the increase in infections.

A portion of the remains in resuscitation

22% of no vax, average age 66;

while among the remaining part of vaccinated patients, 88% received the last dose more than 6 months ago and are on average 72 years old, the age for which the administration of the fourth vaccine dose is recommended.

"With the change of season and the arrival of the cold - notes President Fiaso,

Giovanni Migliore

- the virus has resumed widespread circulation and, together with the infections, hospitalizations have also returned to growth. The vaccine, however, represents a shield of important protection and offers valid protection from the serious consequences of Covid. Ending up in hospital with respiratory symptoms typical of the Covid disease - Best notes - in fact, they are almost always

elderly and frail

who should receive the fourth dose and who instead, as we see from hospital admissions, they have not done

it.The vaccination campaign

for the second booster is slow despite having started for months now: as

many as 65% of the recipients

, according to ministerial data, has not yet taken the fourth dose.

It is important to speed up to protect the most vulnerable and prevent hospital wards from filling up again".

Even among patients under the age of 18 there was a weekly increase in hospitalizations of



It should be stressed, however, concludes Fiaso, that, in the face of a large percentage increase, the absolute numbers are low: there are 27 hospitalized patients in all against 17 in the previous week.

77% of hospitalized children are between 0 and 4 years old.