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German rap heavyweight Olexesh admits: "I'm definitely a little gamer"

11/23/2022, 2:37:23 PM

German rap heavyweight Olexesh admits: "I'm definitely a little gamer" Created: 11/23/2022 3:26 p.m By: Sven Galitzki In an interview with, German rap great Olexesh revealed a previously unknown side and confessed his passion for gaming and Modern Warfare 2. Frankfurt – Olexesh, whose real name is Oleksij Kosarew, is a fixture in the German rap scene. Originally from the Ukraine, the

German rap heavyweight Olexesh admits: "I'm definitely a little gamer"

Created: 11/23/2022 3:26 p.m

By: Sven Galitzki

In an interview with, German rap great Olexesh revealed a previously unknown side and confessed his passion for gaming and Modern Warfare 2.

Frankfurt – Olexesh, whose real name is Oleksij Kosarew, is a fixture in the German rap scene.

Originally from the Ukraine, the musician, who is signed to the Frankfurt label 385idéal, is best known for his aggressive, hard-hitting street style.

But what not everyone knows: Besides rap, Olexesh has had another passion since childhood – he really enjoys playing video games!

Not only music in the head - rap star Olexesh talks about gaming

What is the interview about?

Just recently, Olexesh took part in the official team play event for the release of the new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 in Berlin, where he virtually fought a selection of "Call of Duty" professionals. was also there and quite surprised to meet a tough rapper at a gaming event.

They took this as an opportunity to talk to the German rap heavyweight about gaming.

Olexesh and Gaming: Must-do or Passion?

Since nothing was really known about the rap artist's gaming affinity to date, the first thing to be clarified was: was the launch event for the new Call of Duty a must-attend event or was it actually a real passion?

Is Olexesh not only a rapper at heart, but also a gamer?

Olexesh comments: “I'm definitely a little gamer.

I used to grow up with the craziest consoles, for example the Nintendo or the first PlayStation and today there is simply the PS5.”.

All the more surprised, asked further and wanted to know what Olexesh likes to play and on which platform he is on the move.

“I prefer to play fighting and action games.

My platform of choice is the PS5,” the rapper said.

Olexesh is not only an important German rap great, but also a passionate gamer.

© Activision/imago (montage)

Rap star Olexesh reveals gamer heart: "takes me right back to my childhood"

When it became increasingly clear that Olexesh was serious about gaming, the rap star was asked what importance video games play in his everyday life.

He then explained: “It's definitely a good side activity.

Sure, over the years I've had less time for it, but if I can gamble, it takes me straight back to my childhood.

Lousy flashbacks!”

And Call of Duty is not new territory for him either, as the rapper confirmed when asked: "For the first time I actively played Black Ops 3 - Zombie Chronicles, then I played Modern Warfare again and again and now anyway the new MW2. “.

So his presence at the launch event was anything but a coincidence.

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Olexesh on Modern Warfare 2: "Turned into a brutal game"

Now that it was clear that Olexesh was a seasoned "Call of Duty" veteran who also knew his way around, the question arose almost automatically what he thought of the new Modern Warfare 2.

After all, it's one of the most important game releases of the year for many - especially for CoD fans.

"MW2 has become a brutal game, it's best to download it directly and play it, it's really gotten different," Olexesh said.

And the rapper was also open to Warzone 2, Call of Duty's in-house battle royale: "I haven't played that much yet, but I'll definitely play Warzone 2 because it'll probably be a blatant game too!"

By the way, the respective first parts of Modern Warfare and Warzone have a skin that looks quite similar to Olexesh - coincidence?

Olexesh is not an isolated case – other rappers also like to gamble

Ok, so Olexesh's heart actually beats for gaming - that's for sure now.

But is Olexesh an isolated case here?

How does it generally look in the rather rough rap scene in Germany?

Do many rappers gamble in their free time?

So video games, not in the betting shop around the corner.

And here, too, a very informative answer followed: “Yes, there are some who also gamble and some of them do exactly this game.

For example, I gamble with my good homie Samir.

Even so, I've already gambled against one or the other colleague! "explained the rap star.

And that underlines again: Gaming has long since outgrown the cliché of "basement children and nerds" and has arrived in the mainstream.

Finally, the rap great Olexesh also revealed whether or what kind of music he likes to listen to while gambling.

After all, many a rapper is known for listening to his own tracks - whether it's doing sports, driving a car or just playing games.

Here, too, Olexesh was able to surprise again: “Not really.

I like being in the game with full concentration.

So hearing everything, concentrating on steps and stuff like that.

That will definitely bring more action!”.

Here at the latest it became clear: Olexesh is a gamer through and through - and an ambitious one at that!