The Limited Times

In the exhausting daily life of a caregiver: "We are the arms, the eyes and the legs of the patients"

11/26/2022, 7:20:40 AM

On the occasion of the International Day of Caregivers, we wanted to pay tribute to these little hands with exemplary devotion.

In the corridors, a woman, small and slender, twirls from one room to another.

Despite her forty-two kilos, Alexandra Mari lifts sick bodies with delicacy and unsuspected strength.

For ten hours, the 28-year-old nurse's aide, from this rare complex prolonged care unit in Sainte-Périne (16th century), an establishment of the Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP), accepted that we follow her in her daily life, on the occasion of the International Day of this shadow profession, little known and little valued.

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