The Limited Times

Complaint by the teacher from Valenciennes threatened for a student outing to Calais

12/7/2022, 1:45:50 PM

The philosophy teacher, from Valenciennes, wanted the young people she teaches to see the work of an aid association

A complaint was filed by a teacher from Valenciennes (North) for cyberbullying and death threats.

She had organized an educational outing for students with an association helping migrants in Calais (Pas-de-Calais), but it had to be canceled due to threats.

The rectorate of Lille had already filed a complaint, condemning "firmly the threats made against this teacher", Sophie Djigo.

This philosophy teacher was to take her preparatory class of Hypokhâgne from the Watteau high school, Valenciennes, on December 2, to meet the association Auberge des migrants, as part of an interdisciplinary educational project entitled "exile and borders". .

But the details of the release were delivered on social networks by the “vigilant parents network”, close to the party of Éric Zemmour Reconquête!

sparking many reactions online and on some far-right sites.

Juridic protection

The facts "correspond completely to the legal definition of cyberbullying, which makes it possible to prosecute people who participate even with a single message in a mass effect, a pack, which creates harm in the victim", explained the lawyer for the teacher, Raphaël Kempf.

He is now waiting for the Lille prosecutor's office to "make every effort to identify" the authors of the messages.

“These comments from Internet users, anonymous or not, were made possible by the fact that far-right parties like the RN and Reconquête!

escalated this case and made it a subject, ”he pointed out.

The rectorate of Lille had decided to cancel the educational outing "for safety" and granted Sophie Djigo "the benefit of the legal protection of the civil servant".

In a column published Monday by Le Monde, a collective of more than a thousand people, mainly from research and education, took a stand in favor of Sophie Djigo, designated "explicitly as corrupting youth through her teaching activity" by Reconquest!

and the RN.

"The brutality of the insults and intimidation suffered by our colleague attests to a real coordinated and uninhibited offensive, more particularly in the North at the moment, where other university colleagues are collectively suffering similar attacks", warns the text.

The signatories demand "a clear government response" to these threats.

The departmental delegate of Reconquest!

Simon Flahaut had notably criticized on Twitter the "ideological fight" of the teacher;

RN elected officials from Hauts-de-France spoke of “propaganda for immigration”.

Éric Zemmour also reacted on Twitter, judging the students "instrumentalised by their teacher".

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