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Just listless or already depressed? Psychologist duo clarifies

12/7/2022, 1:09:50 PM

Just listless or already depressed? Psychologist duo names differences and warning signs Created: 2022-12-07Updated: 2022-12-07 2:01 PM By: Judith Brown Lack of drive is normal to some extent. However, it can also be a sign of depression. Two psychologists explain when listlessness becomes pathological. Everyone has probably felt listlessness at some point in their life. If you have to get out

Just listless or already depressed?

Psychologist duo names differences and warning signs

Created: 2022-12-07Updated: 2022-12-07 2:01 PM

By: Judith Brown

Lack of drive is normal to some extent.

However, it can also be a sign of depression.

Two psychologists explain when listlessness becomes pathological.

Everyone has probably felt listlessness at some point in their life.

If you have to get out of the warm bed in the morning, for example, the lack of motivation can sometimes make you press the snooze button on the alarm clock.

But you don't always feel like going to work or some leisure activities.

However, listlessness can also be a symptom of depression.

You can use certain factors to determine your personal risk of developing the disease.

To find out whether you are just listless or already depressed, there are other warning signs for the mental illness.

Just listless or already depressed?

Psychologist duo clarifies

Sport not only helps with listlessness, but can also support the treatment of depression.

© Maskot/IMAGO

According to the two psychologists Stefanie Stahl and Lukas Klaschinski, listlessness and listlessness are initially a normal and human condition.

"Because we're all geared up physically and mentally for economy and basically want to avoid exertion," explains Stahl in their joint column at

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According to Klaschinski, it is in our nature to want to avoid unpleasant feelings and create pleasant feelings.

The moderator and psychologist goes on to describe that lack of drive is often accompanied by fear of failure.

According to Stahl, routines in everyday life are particularly helpful in order not to lose interest and to be able to celebrate success.

You can give a person a framework that provides support: "Because the more often I do something, the more sense of achievement I have, the better the mood to keep at it." For example, if you want to do more sport, it is difficult for most people at first.

The only thing that helps is to push yourself and do it more often so that the system and the body adjust to exercising again.

At the same time, sport can also be a remedy for listlessness.

Because it ensures the release of the happiness hormone serotonin in the body and improves blood circulation in the brain.

"There is a positive correlation between physical activity and mental health," says Klaschinsiki.

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Depression: listlessness can be a symptom - how do I tell the difference?

However, a lack of drive can also be attributed to physical causes.

For example, low blood pressure or fatigue can lead to sluggishness and less energy.

The hormone level also has a negative effect on the drive if it is too low.

Depression can also be triggered by an underactive thyroid.

According to Klaschinski, anyone who suffers from lethargy should also take a close look at their eating and sleeping habits.

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At the same time, listlessness can also be a symptom of depression, although there are different forms of mental illness.

A high-functioning depression is usually not noticed by those affected.

"If you're not sure whether you're in a depressive phase or just listless and listless, it can help to keep the main characteristics of depression in mind," advises Stahl.

Typical signs include the following symptoms:

  • dejection

  • loss of interest

  • motivation difficulties

  • joylessness

  • hopelessness

  • feeling of inner emptiness

If the symptoms last longer than two weeks, it is called a depressive episode.

So-called mood questionnaires can provide information on whether it is really a case of depression.

However, only general practitioners, psychiatrists or psychotherapists make a diagnosis.

The experts then also decide whether the condition should be treated with medication (antidepressants) and/or psychotherapy, for example.

Those affected can also strengthen themselves mentally with certain behaviors.

However, sentences like “Don't be so depressed!” from the environment will certainly not help any patient.

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This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication.

In no way does it replace a visit to the doctor.

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