The Limited Times

The silent farewell to the boyfriends killed by the landslide in Ischia

12/7/2022, 3:22:10 PM

Today the farewell to the first victims whose funeral was held. The Pope's Almoner tomorrow on the island (ANSA)

The funeral of Eleonora Sirabella and Salvatore Impagliazzo, the first victims of the Casamicciola flood, began in an eerie silence shortly after 11.00. small church of Santa Maria delle Grazie, on the main street of Lacco Ameno, Eleonora's birthplace.

By the explicit will of the families, they are private funerals, without the presence of authorities, even if Giovanni Legnini, the extraordinary commissioner for the landslide emergency, arrived to bring his greetings to the church;

also present were the mayors of the municipalities of Ischia, Forio, Barano, Serrara Fontana and Lacco Ameno.

The two coffins were placed side by side in front of the altar and on top of dozens of white flowers,

there was so much emotion between the relatives and friends of the two young people: Eleonora worked as a saleswoman in a boutique in Ischia Porto and was particularly appreciated for her professionalism and kindness.

The church is also off limits to journalists, for whom the municipality of Lacco Ameno has set up a dedicated press area nearby;

the request to the media not to be present was made publicly by the mayor of Lacco Ameno, Giacomo Pascale, who explained that the families of the victims feel "massacred" by the pressure of the media, and asked to respect their wishes and pain.

Today the mayors of the six municipalities of the island of Ischia proclaimed the city's mourning, and the same will happen on the occasion of the funerals of the other victims scheduled for the next few days.

Eleonora worked as a saleswoman in a boutique in Ischia Porto and was particularly appreciated for her professionalism and kindness.

The church is also off limits to journalists, for whom the municipality of Lacco Ameno has set up a dedicated press area nearby;

the request to the media not to be present was made publicly by the mayor of Lacco Ameno, Giacomo Pascale, who explained that the families of the victims feel "massacred" by the pressure of the media, and asked to respect their wishes and pain.

Today the mayors of the six municipalities of the island of Ischia proclaimed the city's mourning, and the same will happen on the occasion of the funerals of the other victims scheduled for the next few days.

Eleonora worked as a saleswoman in a boutique in Ischia Porto and was particularly appreciated for her professionalism and kindness.

The church is also off limits to journalists, for whom the municipality of Lacco Ameno has set up a dedicated press area nearby;

the request to the media not to be present was made publicly by the mayor of Lacco Ameno, Giacomo Pascale, who explained that the families of the victims feel "massacred" by the pressure of the media, and asked to respect their wishes and pain.

Today the mayors of the six municipalities of the island of Ischia proclaimed the city's mourning, and the same will happen on the occasion of the funerals of the other victims scheduled for the next few days.

On the day in which the Church celebrates the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, Pope Francis has decided to send his Almoner tomorrow to Ischia, in the Municipality of Casamicciola Terme "hardly and dramatically affected by the floods of last November 26".

"In the days in which the funerals of the 12 victims are being celebrated, Pope Francis wishes that those who have been affected by this mourning feel his closeness also through his envoy. Furthermore, he has destined a rosary crown blessed by him for each of the family members, so that they feel the comfort of your prayer and entrust themselves with hope to the Virgin Mother", explains a note.