The Limited Times

Fleeing from the carabinieri, 7 by car end up off the road: three dead and four injured on the outskirts of Alessandria

12/11/2022, 10:51:57 AM

Three dead, aged 33, 29 and 15, and 4 injured are the toll of an accident that took place around 4 in the morning along provincial road 244, near Alessandria. The car, which ended up off the road, would not have stopped when the carabinieri stopped (ANSA)

Three dead, aged 33, 29 and 15, and 4 injured are the toll of an accident that took place around 4 in the morning along provincial road 244, near Alessandria.

As announced by 118, the two injured are one in red code and one in yellow code.

The car, in which the seven people were traveling, which ended up off the road in the early hours of this morning, would not have stopped when the carabinieri stopped, after being noticed in the Cristo district of Alessandria, as it proceeded irregularly through the town.

The driver, having seen the flashing lights on of the service vehicle and the reversal to stop them, would have accelerated, heading towards the outskirts of Alexandria.

After a chase up to the police academy at the end of Corso Acqui, the men of the Arma would have 'lost' the Peugeot 807, communicating it to the headquarters.

The race of the runaway car, on the other hand, continues, as do the searches to intercept it.

Shortly afterwards, still during the escape, near the Cantalupo level crossing, the man driving would have lost control of the car, hit the guardrail, made a flight of several meters and ended the mad rush ending up in the external area, in the courtyard - garden of the house near the level crossing.

Young, Italians, they would be from Alexandria.

It is a first reconstruction of the accident provided by the investigators, still engaged in investigations and checks, also on the reason for the escape which later became fatal.

Toxicological and alcohol test results are awaited.

Among the causes of the accident, however, a dramatic mix of high speed, fog,

road surface particularly slippery and made dangerous by ice given the low temperatures recorded.

The noise of the crash was felt by the residents, shocked at the sight of the overturned car that was catching fire.

Nearby there was also a large gas cylinder.

Some occupants would have been outside the vehicle, a young woman stuck.

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