The Limited Times

Smotrich's dream - Biden's nightmare: the plan to lower housing prices in the center - voila! Real estate

12/11/2022, 12:57:59 PM

The new government is building on increasing the volume of construction in Judea and Samaria with the aim of lowering housing prices in the center, with the promotion of plans for the construction of thousands of new housing units. will it work

Will the new government's plan for construction in Judea and Samaria lead to a decrease in housing prices in the center of the country? (Photo: Flash 90, Yonatan Zindel)

Smotrich and Ben Gvir's paradise, Biden's concern

: The new government is building on expanding the scope of construction in the territories of Judea and Samaria, with the aim of increasing the supply and lowering the prices of apartments in the center of the country.

will it work

Big doubt.

First of all, the obvious must be stated - the expansion of construction in the Yosh is not such a simple plan, especially in front of the heads of the democratic administration in the US, which makes it difficult for the massive construction necessary to achieve the goal.

In addition, we are no longer in the 80s, when they talked about quality of life in the form of a villa with a pool and an executive car of the cheap Volvo type.

Today we are in a different place.

Alfie Menashe, Elkana and Ariel are considered consensus settlements for everything today - when the prices there are no longer that far from the prices in the center of the country.

Some prices, with the help of the company DRA, which specializes in apartment marketing:

  • In Alfi Menashe

    , for example, a two-family model 170 square meters, 6 rooms, is currently being marketed for NIS 3.3 million.

  • In Nakodim

    , a two-family model 182 square meters, 7 rooms is marketed for NIS 3.150 million.

  • In Ma'ale Adumim,

    a 5-room apartment, 126 square meters, is being marketed for NIS 2.9 million.

  • In Kiryat Netafim

    , a 4-room apartment, 116 square meters, is being marketed for one and a half million shekels.

Neither left nor right

About a year ago, the Minister of Housing, Ze'ev Elkin, woke up and marketed 1300 apartments in Judea and Samaria after years of stagnation, including about 792 apartments in Ariel.

"As we promised, we are also delivering," the minister stated, saying that "strengthening and expanding Jewish settlement in Judea and Samaria is a necessary and very important thing in the vision of the Zionist enterprise. After a long period of stagnation in construction in Judea and Samaria, I welcome the marketing of over 1,000 housing units I will continue and support the Jewish settlement in Judea and Samaria."

Left-wing or right-wing government, the marketing in Israel has never been smooth. They always promise mountains and market sparingly. It was the Olmert government at the time that bombarded marketing in Judea and Samaria. Netanyahu was weaker, since any such construction drew a call on the red line from the White House. Let's give another example

. Only after the US President, Joe Biden, left Israel on his last visit, the Israel Land Authority published the results of a target price auction in Givat Hametos in Jerusalem,

For the information of the new right-wing government

- Prime Minister Lapid's office refrained from publishing sensitive tenders on the eve of Biden's arrival, in order to avoid the incident that occurred during Biden's previous visit to Israel, in 2010, when he served as deputy to the then US President, Barack Obama. As you may remember, in that case a crisis

developed Serious in front of the Americans, when during Vice President Biden's visit to Israel, the construction of 1,800 housing units in the Ramat Shlomo neighborhood of Jerusalem was approved.

good to know (in advance)

A smart test reveals the risk of stroke - now on special sale

Served on behalf of Shachel

Givat HaMatus: Prime Minister Lapid's office avoided publishing sensitive tenders on the eve of Biden's arrival (Photo: Flash 90, Lior Mizrahi, Sivan Farage)

The tender in

Givat HaMatus

was won by the 'Bamona' company, which offered the lowest price per square meter for an apartment of NIS 15,000, the same as a previous tender that closed in the neighborhood in January 2021. Estimates are that apartments on the free market will sell at a price of about NIS 30,000 per square meter.

Givat Hamatos is a hill 813 meters above sea level, located between Mount Huma and Gila and between Beit Tzafafa and Tzur Bahar, south of the green line.

The construction plan on the site has been promoted since 2007, and in 2012 it was approved and it includes the construction of approximately 2,600 housing units, the establishment of a hotel complex along Hebron Road and an employment and municipal services area.

Although the plan was approved about a decade ago, it was not promoted due to American intervention.

The US President at the time, Barack Obama, expressed opposition to its establishment on the grounds that the neighborhood might create a territorial continuum that would cut off East Jerusalem from Bethlehem.

With the ascension of Donald Trump to the presidency, the American opposition was removed, which gave the then-Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, the green light to promote the establishment of the neighborhood, and in mid-November, the Israel Land Authority published a tender for the construction of 1,257 apartments on the site.

Dror Ohev Zion, CEO and owner of the Real Estate Marketing Company Dra (Photo: Dana Tamri)

"I don't know if Yosh will lower the prices in the center, but I think that more demand will be directed to Yosh due to the increasing difficulty of purchasing apartments within the Green Line at a reasonable distance from the center of the country," explains Dror Obeh Zion, CEO of the DRA company, "the increase


prices And the increase in interest rates keeps the dream of an apartment in the center away from many families who encounter financing refusals from the banks.

The settlements in Yosh, which are located relatively close to the Green Line, with good accessibility to the big cities, will be a good alternative for the apartment buyers who find it difficult to afford the apartment prices in the center."

  • Real estate


  • real estate

  • Judea and Samaria