The Limited Times

Maccabi Haifa's plans for January: Ben Shaher will leave on loan, a new goalkeeper will be added Israel today

12/15/2022, 8:42:35 AM

Maccabi Haifa took advantage of the break to rest, but still came back with a long list of injured and sick.

Maccabi Haifa used the break to rest, but still came back with a long list of injured and sick.

Coach Barak Bacher was missing 11 players in the Greens' last two games in the Toto Cup and the State Cup.

By the time of the match against Bnei Sakhnin on Monday, Charon Sherry, Sean Goldberg, Abdoulaye Sek, Franzi Piero and Nikita Rukavitsa will return, but injured players such as Neta Lavie (injured in the national team match), Dolev Khaziza and Dylan Betobinsika may return to the squad only against Maccabi Netanya next week.

Even with the return to activity, the champion still needs to refresh, and the players who will return from injuries will do so gradually.

The Greens played 26 games before the break and two more upon returning from it.

Defender Daniel Sondgren will return in 5-8 weeks, while midfielders Mahmoud Jaber and Souf Podgorano are not expected to return to play this season.

Several changes will be made in January.

Players like Ben Shaher (received first minutes of the season in the Toto Cup) and Maor Levy will go out on loan, and an attempt will be made to add two players in their place.

Josh Cohen's injury, who may undergo surgery on his shoulder, played havoc with the cards.

The champion will return to the league with Roi Mishpeti as the first goalkeeper, and will try to bring in another goalkeeper to compete with him for the position.

The fact that Maccabi Haifa went into the break with a 4-point advantage over its rivals became the key.

In Haifa, the beginning of the second round is marked as critical: three-four consecutive victories will lead to an escape, which it is doubtful that Maccabi Tel Aviv and Hapoel BS will be able to achieve.

The latter will go to Sami Ofer in the third round of the round for a battle for six points.

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