The Limited Times

Babies shaken to keep them from crying, prosecutor of Modena investigates

12/28/2022, 6:44:45 PM

Two episodes, for one brain damage. Get away from families (ANSA)

 Babies shaken by their parents to stop their crying to the point of having them end up in the hospital, where, in one of the two cases recently recorded at the Modena Polyclinic, the victim, about five months old, suffered brain damage.

It is defined as 'shaken baby syndrome', and in the Emilian city it has led to the opening of two files by the judiciary, which is now investigating for ill-treatment, and the consequent removal from their respective families of the minors involved and victims of what would have happened within the walls of the house.

    Recent events, from the autumn that has just ended, those that are remembered at the Modena Polyclinic by retracing the activities carried out within the Pediatrics department.

The dangerousness of an action that can cause permanent damage to the child, as happened in the Modena area, is summed up by Lorenzo Lughetti, the professor who directs the Pediatrics department of the Modena Polyclinic: "The infant - says Lughetti about the two cases recorded within a few months of each other and which resulted in hospitalizations lasting several weeks - he has the inability to control his head and these repeated movements can be compared to when we are hit by a car. of Pediatrics - they are like dozens of rear-end collisions that the child undergoes.

of the veins - Lughetti goes into more detail - in the brain and there is bleeding.

The baby stops crying, but he actually does it because he's gone into a coma."

    These are not isolated episodes, Lughetti always points out: "Behavior to which parents, especially new parents, must be careful, episodes of the kind are not so rare. A child is never shaken".

From the Pediatrics Department of the Modenese Polyclinic they also underline how often, faced with the fait accompli, parents reject the accusation of having shaken their child, but that in reality the 'shaken baby syndrome' leaves unequivocal signs in newborns who undergo the shaking, especially in cases such as those that occurred in Modena.

In the most serious episodes of this type they can even lead to extreme consequences, such as the death of the newborn.