The Limited Times

Carlo Fuscagni, historic Rai manager, has died

12/28/2022, 6:50:34 PM

He was 89 years old. The condolences of the mayor of Città di Castello (ANSA)

Carlo Fuscagni, a long-time journalist and Rai manager, where he had been director of Rai1 from 1988 to 1993, died at the age of 89. This was announced by the mayor of Città di Castello Luca Secondi.

"He left us today a great man first of all, in love with his city and his origins that he has always claimed with pride" he says.

"An elegant and cultured professional of journalism - says Secondi -, of television and cinema, areas that have seen him for a long time the protagonist of successes and projects that everyone still remembers with dutiful gratitude today. Carlo Fuscagni, born in and around Ticino, like his brother Nino , who disappeared a few years ago, was above all a symbol, a well-known face of Rai, the public service,

where he held top-level positions at the helm of the Network and the 'flagship' Tg alongside another top-level journalist such as Sandro Ceccagnoli, another Tifernate for a long time as editor-in-chief of Tg1.

Carlo Fuscagni also linked his brilliant career to his city where he held above all the role of president of the Festival of Nations, actively working to promote the image of the city and its numerous excellences internationally through his constant presence in the 80s and 90s of many celebrities from television, cinema, entertainment and culture.

A piece of our country's history that we will proudly remember through his figure and what he leaves us as a legacy in terms of values ​​and points of reference".