The Limited Times

Meloni Minister considers smaller nuclear strikes possible in the event of Putin's defeat - "Is planned"

12/28/2022, 8:20:30 PM

Meloni Minister considers a smaller nuclear strike possible in the event of Putin's defeat - "Is planned" Created: 12/28/2022, 9:12 p.m By: Bedrettin Bölükbasi Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov with Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov. (Archive image) © IMAGO/Sergei Bobylev/ ITAR-TASS In the Russian war of aggression, Ukraine needs Western help. Military expert Gressel thinks Europe's policy

Meloni Minister considers a smaller nuclear strike possible in the event of Putin's defeat - "Is planned"

Created: 12/28/2022, 9:12 p.m

By: Bedrettin Bölükbasi

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov with Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov.

(Archive image) © IMAGO/Sergei Bobylev/ ITAR-TASS

In the Russian war of aggression, Ukraine needs Western help.

Military expert Gressel thinks Europe's policy is too hesitant.

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  • Europe aid to Ukraine

    too hesitant?

    Military expert Gustav Gressel criticizes "pants shit".

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    news ticker on diplomatic developments

    in the

    Ukraine war

    is constantly updated.

Update from December 28, 4:55 p.m .:

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj has described the reconstruction of Ukraine after the Russian war of aggression as the largest economic project in Europe.

During a speech in the parliament in Kyiv on Wednesday, Zelenskyy called on MPs to draw up laws that would attract entrepreneurs and investors, according to the media.

According to the Presidential Administration, Zelenskyy also held a video conference with the head of the investment company Blackrock, Larry Fink, on the topic of post-war reconstruction of the country in Ukraine.

It must also be possible to bring Ukrainians who have fled abroad back into the country, Selenskyj told the Rada at the end of the year.

Ukraine has become a leader of the free world.

You have helped the West to find itself again.

"The West has stopped being afraid of Russia," said Zelenskyj in his recent speech on the situation in the Ukraine war.

Russia will be held accountable for its war crimes.

The country is also making its defense industry one of the most advanced in the world, with the aim of restoring Ukraine's territorial integrity, he pledged.

Ukraine news: Will Putin use a tactical nuclear bomb?

Meloni Minister thinks it's possible

Update from December 28, 3 p.m.:

Italian Defense Minister Guido Crosetto believes it is possible that Russia will resort to tactical nuclear bombs in the event of a certain defeat in the war in Ukraine.

"The use of a tactical nuclear weapon is envisaged by Russia," he told Italian newspaper



"It's unthinkable for us, but for Russia, yes, if there is no way back if there is a risk of defeat," he said.

There is therefore a risk of nuclear use, albeit "very unlikely".

In addition, he was basically open to supplying Ukraine with air defense systems: "Russia has crossed a line that should not have been crossed."

War in Ukraine: Berlin welcomes Kuleba proposal for Ukraine peace conference

Update from December 28, 2:25 p.m .:

The federal government has welcomed the proposal by Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba for an international peace conference for his country attacked by Russia.

Apparently she sees little chance for this for the time being.

"Basically, every suggestion to bring the Russian war of aggression to an end is good and right," said Foreign Office spokesman Christofer Burger.

Of course, it is up to the government of Ukraine to decide on the taking place, timing and content of possible negotiations with the Russian Federation.

However, it should be noted that “Russia is not showing any signs of abandoning its original war aims”.

Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has just made it very clear that Russia "continues to work hard towards the destruction of Ukraine's statehood," said Burger.

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"We have to take note of that.

And that's why our support for Ukraine, for its right to self-defense, remains undiminished," he said.

At the same time, the spokesman pointed out that Germany has long been providing diplomatic support on issues that are important to Ukraine in the event of a peace agreement.

It is about, for example, holding those responsible for war crimes accountable. 

Kremlin sets condition for negotiations: Russia wants recognition of annexed regions

Update from December 28, 1:35 p.m .:

As a basis for negotiations in the Ukraine war, the Kremlin continues to insist on the recognition of annexed Ukrainian regions as part of Russia.

"There can be no peace plan that does not take into account today's realities on Russian territory, after which four new regions have joined Russia," Russian agency RBC quoted Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov as saying.

Update from December 28, 1:05 p.m .:

In an interview with an Italian newspaper, ex-Chancellor Angela Merkel defended her attitude towards Kremlin boss Vladimir Putin.

At the same time, she also acknowledged NATO mistakes.

Ukraine News: Sharp criticism of European politics

Munich – In order to be able to defend itself against the Russian attack, Ukraine is dependent on the support of the West.

But which weapons should be supplied and in what quantity, what sanctions should be imposed and where should the limit be set?

These are hotly debated questions – in an interview with Stern

magazine, military expert Gustav Gressel sharply criticizes the answers given by European governments


Europe aid to Ukraine too hesitant?

– Military expert Gressel criticizes “pants shit”

"The problem is that in Europe we are mostly dealing with slobs in the political leadership ranks who, due to the nuclear disparity, do not dare to jump over the slightest hurdle alone," said the expert, who focuses on Eastern Europe and Russia.

So, eventually, the US would have to "go and take them by the hand and escort them, like little children do."

The federal government under Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) also came under Gressel's sights.

"The Chancellor's carousel of excuses still has plenty of ammunition," he said, referring to Germany's refusal to deliver Leopard tanks to Ukraine.

In addition to the SPD, the excuses would also be fueled by “party-loyal bloggers and trolls”.

In addition, according to Gressel, Germany must stop sending only signals of de-escalation and renewed economic cooperation to the Kremlin.

In an interview with


, he emphasized : "For all his madness, Putin is good at reading the mood among the heads of state he faces and talks to on the phone."

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Ukraine News: Traffic light debates tank delivery - Strack-Zimmermann attacks the Chancellery

The supply of Leopard tanks is also the subject of heated debates within the traffic light coalition.

Recently, the FDP defense politician Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann accused the chancellor's office of adopting Russian representations when justifying the blockade of combat and infantry fighting vehicle deliveries to Ukraine.

"Obviously the Russian narrative works and is preventing some in the Chancellery from giving Ukraine the urgently needed tanks," said the chair of the defense committee of the editorial network Germany (RND).

"Anyone who fantasizes about the concern that a red line would be crossed towards Russia is telling the story of the aggressor, not that of the victims," ​​reprimanded the FDP politician.


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