The Limited Times

"Governmental coup": tonight - a demonstration in Tel Aviv against the Levin reform in the judicial system Israel today

1/7/2023, 4:12:54 PM

The demonstrations against the right-wing government are coming back • Citizens who are opposed to the increase clause led by the new Minister of Justice will gather on the platform square • There will also be a demonstration by the "Together" movement against the Netanyahu government

A demonstration against the legal reform, which was presented by the new Minister of Justice Yariv Levin last Wednesday, is expected to take place in Tel Aviv's Bima Square this evening (Saturday).

The protesters are expected to march towards the Tel Aviv Museum later.

There will also be a demonstration by the "Standing Together" movement against what they call "the government of discrimination, hatred and violence". 

The demonstration against the legal reform was not announced under a particular organization, therefore neither were the speakers announced.

"Starting at 19:00, all the opponents of the coup d'état carried out by the criminal government, which threatens to harm all citizens of Israel regardless of who they are, will gather in Bima Square, which will be attended by public figures as well," reads a WhatsApp message that was distributed over the weekend. 

Justice Minister Yariv Levin presents the reform of the judicial system, last Wednesday, photo: Oren Ben Hakon

"There will be various marches from the demonstration during the evening. The first march will leave at 19:30 in the direction of the Tel Aviv Museum where there will also be a demonstration with a stage and speakers, which is organized by the 'Together' movement and other organizations. The second march is the 'March of Torches against the Government', which will Later, in order to send a message to the government that the dangerous coup d'état will meet unprecedented civil resistance." 

Last Wednesday, Justice Minister Levin presented the reform of the judicial system.

According to the plan, the method of selecting judges will be changed, when the two representatives of the Bar Association will be removed from the committee for selecting judges and will be replaced by politicians.

Also, it will be possible to disqualify laws in the Supreme Court, in full composition and by a special majority.

Enact a superseding clause by a majority of sixty-one.

On the other hand, there will be no increase of that Knesset in case the court invalidates a law unanimously.

On top of that, the reason for reasonableness will be abolished and thus the High Court will not be able to cancel government decisions on the grounds of unreasonableness. According to the plan, the ministers will determine the identity of the legal advisor in their office and will be able to fire them.

Minister of the Interior and Health Arie Deri.

The High Court has not yet ruled, photo: Photo: Yonatan Zindel/Flash90

What is expected to further anger the protesters is the appointment of Aryeh Deri, who was convicted of bribery and tax offenses, to the Minister of Interior and Minister of Health.

Yesterday, the High Court discussed the petitions submitted against Deri's appointment and against the "Deri Law" recently passed by the Knesset, but has not yet ruled on these issues. 

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