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Australian Prime Minister: The floods in the west of the country have had a devastating impact

1/7/2023, 5:54:44 PM

SYDNEY, SANA- Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese announced that the unprecedented floods hitting the Kem district


Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese announced that the unprecedented floods hitting the Kimberley region in the west of the country have had a devastating impact on isolated towns.

“Access to some areas was difficult due to the high waters,” Albanese said today, according to Agence France-Presse, noting that many of them live a difficult life and do not have resources.

Helicopters are working to transport residents to safe areas in light of the high levels of flood waters in the Kimberley region, sparsely populated in Western Australia.

Emergency services described the floods as the worst the state has ever seen.

One of the most affected towns was Fitzroy Crossing, where residents had to wait for the flooded airstrip to dry before military planes could deliver supplies.

The Kimberley area is three times the size of the United Kingdom, but its population is no more than 40,000 people.

Australia has witnessed heavy rains in the last two years, with the continuing effect of the (La Niña) weather phenomenon, and sudden floods inundated the eastern regions of the country in November of last year, and uprooted entire homes from their foundations in some rural towns.

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