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Carla Moreau and Kevin Guedj, Laura Lempika and Nikola Lozina… Rain of separations in the world of reality TV

1/7/2023, 6:12:34 PM

Like Carla Moreau and Kevin Guedj last October, several couples of reality TV influencers recently announced their divorces, very shortly after their marriages.

The hostilities began in October 2022 when Carla Moreau, influencer followed by more than 3 million people on Instagram, decided to announce her recent separation on the social network.

For several years, the couple she formed with Kevin Guedj was known to be so passionate and tumultuous.

“I never imagined a few months after my wedding having to make this decision.

I necessarily imagined my life with a completely different future than the one I am about to live, but I am confident.

, she wrote on her Instagram post.

Known for their participation in the shows "Les Marseillais", "Les Marseillais VS Le Rest du Monde" broadcast on W9, and for the creation of their own program "La Mif" on C8, the couple had formalized their union with a nine-month marriage. previously.

The latter had been the subject of a program broadcast this time on TFX.

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“It took me time to accept it and see it clearly, learn a lot of things to realize that our paths had to go separate ways”


Although the 25-year-old clarified that she did not want to go into details of their separation, information has leaked.

Her ex-spouse would have had one or more extramarital affairs during some filming.

And since this announcement, it is the carnage on the side of the other personalities of reality tv.

A historic couple from “Secret Story” initiated the movement at the start of 2023. After 19 years of love – punctuated by a brief separation in 2020 – Tatiana and Xavier Delarue have ended their relationship.

Less than a year after becoming parents of a little boy.

With Xavier we are no longer a couple, but we are parents.

And this new Year 2023, will thus make it possible to build, in this routing, the future of this little exceptional baby”,

she specified on her Instagram account.

“We prefer to move forward separately”

It was the turn of the founding members of the family and the program “Le Reste du Monde” on W9.

Nikola Lozina and Laura Lempika announced their separation to their community on Friday January 6.

"We will say that all beautiful things come to an end and it is with a lot of emotion, a lot of respect and a common agreement... That I announce the end of a beautiful story"

, announces the mother of little Zlatan aged two years.

The break seems, on their side, well thought out and posed.

"We were happy together... But we want and prefer to move forward separately, but hand in hand for the well-being of our child, which is our priority!"

, says Laura Lempika.

Same story on the side of the 29-year-old Belgian.

Their divorce also comes just a few months after their marriage.

Criticized in a private message on Instagram, the young woman wanted to make some clarifications.

“So for information, I have been married for two years.

It was the public holiday which was in August,”

she recalls.

The astonishment of internet users

The day after this announcement, a new couple known for their appearances in reality TV shows - "The Villa of Broken Hearts", "Marseillais VS The Rest of the World", "Moundir and the Apprentice Adventurers" or even "Moms and famous - reveals his parting.

They are Martika Caringella and Umberto Torretto.

"You've been asking yourself this question for quite some time, that you have doubts and I have to answer you...With Umberto we have decided to end our relationship and separate!"

, publishes the young woman.

As a couple from 2019, they quickly become parents twice and get married in May 2021.

“The respect between us will always be present and our priority remains and will remain our daughters!

Now everyone is going their own way...”

, concludes the young Italian.

After these two statements made only a few hours apart, Internet users did not go to any lengths.

"Earthquake on the planet influencers... Like what money does not bring happiness"

, comments a subscriber when others go so far as to mount a theory to explain these successive announcements.

“A new program concept has to come out or what?

They all divorce”


“a new show, the divorced from reality TV”

or even

“It's an epidemic, they all divorce as quickly as they have children”,

react the followers.