The Limited Times

Emergency application to secure and develop the biotopes at Pucher Meer II

1/7/2023, 4:12:48 PM

Emergency application to secure and develop the biotopes at Pucher Meer II Created: 07/01/2023 17:03 The highly endangered tree frog also lives at the Pucher Meer. © kyslynskyy/PantherMedia Fürstenfeldbruck - Bund Naturschutz, fishing association and environmental advisory board FFB have submitted an emergency application. They call on the city administration to map the natural and biotope are

Emergency application to secure and develop the biotopes at Pucher Meer II

Created: 07/01/2023 17:03

The highly endangered tree frog also lives at the Pucher Meer.

© kyslynskyy/PantherMedia

Fürstenfeldbruck - Bund Naturschutz, fishing association and environmental advisory board FFB have submitted an emergency application.

They call on the city administration to map the natural and biotope areas around the Pucher Meer II that have developed in recent years, to reassess them and to revise the development plan, or to incorporate the results into the implementation plan.

The aim is to protect existing trees and biotopes from destruction during the rough grading planned for 2023.

Overall, nature is to be given greater importance in the implementation of the local recreation area through protected areas in the water and on land. 

habitat of protected species

The direct environment of the Pucher Meer II has changed considerably in recent years due to natural ruderal growth.

New valuable habitats for flora and fauna have emerged on embankments, on lean and gravel surfaces and in ponds, or have been promoted by partial CEF measures, report the Greens, the Federal Nature Conservation Union, the District Fishing Association and the Environmental Advisory Board in the application.

“In addition to various amphibians such as natterjack and green toads, tree frogs and sand lizards, ground-nesting birds can also be found.

Almost all species are on Bavaria's Red List as rare species, with a strong to very strong decline, or even endangered or on the early warning list," says Thomas Brückner on behalf of all applicants.

Construction planning no longer up to date

In order to protect and secure these newly created communities, the current inventory should be recorded, documented, mapped and re-evaluated in an examination, the application demands.

The Pucher Meer II complex no longer encroaches – as in the “Pucher Meer recreation area” development plan procedure at the time – in relatively “worthless” areas that are used intensively for agriculture, but in an area with a large number of different biotopes.

"Simply pushing away and destroying these areas of life in the course of rough grading and recultivation seems to be outdated," argue the applicants.

A reassessment of the habitats could lead to a reorientation of the water, bank and embankment areas, which protects and secures more areas for nature,

The natural and biotope areas at the Pucher Meer are to be better protected via an emergency application.

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Preserve trees and expand biotopes

Natural wooded areas on areas between the planned parking lots and the sunbathing lawns should be preserved and also visually improve the image of a new facility.

Furthermore, the stock of trees and the natural growth on the embankments along the B2 and Lindacher Straße should be preserved and the designated biotope areas should be expanded.

The application also provides for a circular path for walkers around the Pucher Meer.

In addition, the applicants suggest rethinking the arrangement of the planned parking spaces in order to create better access options and more space on the lawn.
