The Limited Times

The Prosecutor of Peru investigates President Dina Boluarte for the death of 28 people in the protests

1/7/2023, 8:12:14 PM

Police detain dozens of protesters in Lima in anti-government marches, one month after the dismissal of Pedro Castillo

Dina Boluarte, the first female president of Peru, has completed one month in office this Saturday.

And although that fact alone is an event for the banners of gender equality, there is little or nothing to celebrate.

Since he took office after the removal of Pedro Castillo for being his vice president, Peru has plunged into a state of permanent protest, during which 28 people have lost their lives, amid clashes with law enforcement.

The Peruvian Attorney General's Office has opened an investigation against Dina Boluarte and her closest circle of power: Prime Minister Alberto Otárola;

who preceded him briefly in office, Pedro Angulo;

the former Minister of the Interior César Cervantes and the Minister of Justice and Human Rights, José Tello.

The State Attorney General, Patricia Benavides, has responded to the complaint filed by Congresswoman Ruth Luque, who holds them responsible for these deaths.

They are accused of the alleged commission of the crimes of qualified homicide and serious injuries.

"The defendants are within the State apparatus in the highest spheres of decision in matters of the use of police and military forces, so the orders they issue or order will be mandatory compliance by people who are in lower spheres and by the police and military agents themselves who carried out the operation”, says the document filed by Luque.

The complaint must be evaluated by the Permanent Commission of Congress and the Subcommittee on Constitutional Accusations.

The complaint also includes senior police officers, including the head of the Ayacucho Macro Police Region, Antero Mejía Escajadillo, and the general commander of the Second Military Infantry Brigade of Ayacucho, Jesús Vera Ipenza.

Through some amateur videos it has been possible to verify that some of the deceased civilians were not even in confrontation with the Armed Forces when they died.

This is the case of citizen Edgar Prado, 51, who died on December 15 while helping an injured person at the door of his house, in Ayacucho, the region most affected by the protest.

After a brief truce for the year-end holidays, protesters have once again taken to the streets in different regions of Peru to shout their discontent with a government they consider illegitimate and repressive.

Since this Wednesday, a national strike has been launched by civil society, which has been complied with by the main southern regions, which have blocked transportation routes.

The Peruvian Congress approved on December 20 the call for elections for April 2024. On the eve of the first month of Dina Boluarte, the National Police arrested a hundred protesters in Lima.

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