The Limited Times

Avri Gilad: enormous changes thanks to a drop of empathy Israel today

1/11/2023, 9:38:11 PM

I still don't go out to protest against Krai • but I have a warm recommendation for Minister Kish • and Goldknopf is corrupt to the bone, but the barn is more interesting

The artificial intelligence, with whom I have been chatting for the past few days, asked me - will you join Gantz's fratricidal war?

I said - I haven't taken out my 0.3 machine gun from the Boidem yet.

The artificial question - what is Boidem?

I answered - a small warehouse attached to the ceiling of the house.

She said - I learned, thank you.

The harshness - why don't you join the protests, the harsh words, the "destruction" and the "end" and "we will shake, and we will turn"?

I told her - I am studying what is happening.

She said - what is it?

Quote of the day?

I complimented her on the wide stock of quotations she possesses, and I confirmed.

Yemima Avital zt'l, my psychic guide, says that one must "study what is happening". Don't react automatically, don't put all the fears and hatreds and calculations of the past on the reality that is happening now. Don't drag loads from moment to moment. Learn every moment what is happening in it cleanly , as much as possible. That's why it takes time to observe, to see what will happen when the dust settles, when the strong words weaken when they meet the rocks of reality, when life balances even the most extreme.

I learned firsthand - reacting quickly, being in a hurry, is a dangerous matter.

Many hasty utterances of mine have entangled me in storms which I would gladly have given up.

If I hadn't reacted quickly, strongly, arrogantly, but first studied the situation, let it sink into me to find balance - my words would have reached more ears, which I lost because of the haste built into me, especially thanks to the attention disorder and impulsivity I was blessed with.

But now that I'm less active in the media, I'm rediscovering the calmer place - less reactive, less judgmental about the severity of any matter.

Looking back how I could have said the same things in other words and made less noise.

That's why I'm not in a hurry to respond to the calls of the break that all the Kitsin have here, and not that it doesn't bother me a lot.

For example, Minister Karai and his desire to extinguish one of the most significant flames of culture in this arid country - the great Public Broadcasting Corporation, not everything that comes under his hands is always suitable for everyone, but overall he brought a diverse, independent, innovative, daring, creative screen, a huge contributor to what is moving Here.

What is this holy zeal to close, for a billion shekels?

What is a billion shekels in this extravagant government?

Only commercial channels must not lead the culture.

It would be a disaster, and I say that from the inside.

And yet, and even though there are other things I have trouble digesting, I tell myself - wait with the demonstrations.

It is quite possible that they will be needed later, but nothing has happened yet, hitting the atmosphere for revenge, maybe it will be fine.



Every year the world chooses the picture of the past year.

It is usually, for example, a picture of a hungry polar bear, on the edge of a walking skeleton, floating on a small piece of glacier left from what was once his home, or a huge fire that consumed a city but a hero firefighter saved a pet rabbit from the fire, and his picture carrying the survivor in his hat did not leave a dry eye .


This year's picture is completely different, I saw it this week: it's a picture of two girls on a bus, here in Israel.

They are sitting, their faces stuck in the phone, as usual, and next to them is a very old woman, one of those we used to stand up for when we bought a ticket from the driver.

For me, this is the picture of the decade, because it has everything: the loss of respect for the elderly, the disappearance of natural compassion from the emotional space, disconnection from the real world and the creation of mini-worlds that exist between the person's eyes and the screen in front of them, and that everyone around will die.

I do not condemn the blind girls.

It's not them.

They grew up in a world where the selfie, the preoccupation with myself, became the main preoccupation of the new humans, and empathy, seeing others while constantly thinking about how to do good in the world, is quickly disappearing.

There is a study that states that empathy is the trait that disappears from the world at the highest speed, and the truth is that I am glad that I am already quite an adult, and that the moment when it will be announced that empathy has completely disappeared will no longer be seen with my own eyes.

In my eyes, a world without the sight of others is a world unfit for human habitation, like Mars.

So what?

How will we return the crown to its former glory?

Is there even such a thing as returning crowns, or does the world always go forward without looking back?

The answer is right under your nose.

My daughters attend a school where it is forbidden to use a smart phone at all, neither at school nor at home.

And see what a miracle: both they and their friends are awake to what is happening around them, they rush to help any person or animal that needs assistance, their hearts are not wrapped in a thick membrane of selfishness and they do not see in reality just a background for a bland story, but an opportunity to give and mobilize for good and benevolent action.

Minister Kish, take the elderly, take the phones out of the schools, give the young people a gift - their soft, innocent, good souls, back.

If you don't do this, when no one will remember you and who you were, you too will be standing on the bus with a cane next to children sitting and staring at the screen with artificial intelligence and no real emotion.

So loyalty to Bibi will not help, and in a sharp turn, you will fall.


I was heartbroken this week.

The barn in Hardorf was closed.

Laugh, this is the kind of thing that gets to me emotionally and affects me more than some Goldknopf who is corrupt to the bone.

why is it important?

Because the barn in Hardorf was a real attempt to raise cows for the dairy industry, but also to maintain a human image in the process.

Do not treat this delicate animal as a mere means of creation, but as a creature with rights.

For example, the right to a clean floor.

When I visited there, I was very impressed by the fact that the cows are not based on their secretions, they are clean and ventilated, there are no repulsive smells of a barn, they are fed with organic food that is grown on the spot without flour from their friends who have finished the shift, they do not burn an identification tattoo into their flesh but put a fashionable earring on them, and in general there is a minimal evil atmosphere .

If animals are exploited for the benefit of man, at least let it be that way.

And what really saddened me was the knowledge that the cows that got used to hotel conditions in Abu Dhabi were sold to other, normal dairy farms, and after all their days lived well, they were suddenly loaded onto trucks and turned into normal cows - a device for producing milk in the most minimal conditions for existence, without any special treat.

Like being taken one day by taxi from the living room of the house and thrown into a cell with 16 prisoners in Damon prison without any reason.

The market has changed.

And why all this?

Because the organic milk produced there, in the chase, was more expensive than normal milk, and people didn't buy it.

Only a few are willing to pay for fair production conditions, for a clear conscience, for phones that don't dip their ankles in shit.

And say the cost of living and all that, and it's true, who has money for the luxuries of cows, but the disconnection between the product and its source allows for more significant disconnections in life, and who cares under what conditions my iPhone is created, the main thing is that it will work, and all the Chinese who worked on it will die.

And I'm still gloating about the beauty of my soul, I received an email from a dairy farmer who tells me that he is setting up a sustaining dairy farm, where calves are allowed to suckle from their mother and the cow to express her motherhood and not experience a cruel abduction of the fruit of her womb immediately after calving, and I was happy that a window closed and a door opened, and I will do what I can to help this project called "Happy cow's milk", so that within all exploitation there is a corner of mercy.

It's not a lot, but a drop of light repels a lot of darkness.

And I always think that everything I put into my body carries a frequency, a memory, of what was done to those who produced this food, and the frequency of kidnapping and childbirth makes my coffee bitter.

Have a sweet weekend.

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