The Limited Times

Biden aides find second batch of classified documents

1/11/2023, 9:25:54 PM

The papers were in a different place from the private office where the ones that sparked the controversy this week were kept.

Joe Biden, this Wednesday in Washington. JONATHAN ERNST (REUTERS)

After discovering in November a group of classified documents in the Washington office that Joe Biden used between the end of his time as vice president with Barack Obama (2017) and the start of the campaign that took him to the White House in 2020, a The Democratic leader's team of aides began combing other Biden workplaces in search of more papers.

This Wednesday, the NBC television network has published, citing anonymous sources, the discovery of more documents, which were kept in a different location from the headquarters that the president used in the federal capital.

Little is known of this second block of papers.

The level of secrecy that protected them, the number and the precise location have not been disclosed.

He also does not know how he was found or if the search for any other classified material that Biden may have from the days of the Obama administration is closed with this discovery advanced by NBC.

The week began for Biden with the news, advanced by CBS, of the existence of a dozen documents classified as confidential in a closet at the Penn Biden Center in Washington, a private office of the president.

The documents were made available to the National Archives and the case was brought to the attention of the Department of Justice.

The discovery was immediately put into the unfavorable perspective of Biden's outrage when the FBI searched Donald Trump's residence in Mar-a-Lago, Florida, in the summer, where the former president took a larger number of papers after leaving the office. White House.

On Tuesday, Biden, on an official visit to Mexico City to meet his Canadian counterparts, Justin Trudeau, and Mexican, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, spoke about the first finding.

He said he was "surprised" to find out that there were documents from that stage in a closet in an office that he gave private use to, he assured that he takes confidential information seriously and that he does not know the content of said documents.

“They found some documents in a box, in a locked cabinet, and as soon as they did, they realized that there were several classified documents in that box.

And they did what they had to: immediately call the [National] Archives and hand it over to them.

I was informed about this discovery and I was surprised to learn that there are government records that were brought to that office, but I don't know what is in the documents,” he added.

[Breaking news.

There will be an update shortly].

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