The Limited Times

Brazil: tearful return to destroyed workplace

1/11/2023, 7:55:53 PM

After the attacks on state institutions in Brasilia, the chief judges have returned to their destroyed offices. One cannot hide his shock.

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It will be a while before work can start again here - a delegation of Brazil's top judges is taking a look at what the Bolsonaro mob have done in the government building in Brasília.

Judge Gilmar Mendes says he's shocked after returning to work.

The lawyer is obviously struggling for words.

Gilmar Mendes, Judge: "How did we get to this point? We must do everything we can to prevent something like this from happening again".

On Sunday, supporters of far-right former President Jair Bolsonaro stormed and destroyed three government buildings.

Inside the Supreme Court, security forces were still busy cleaning up and securing evidence on Tuesday.

The new Brazilian government under Lula da Silva is now taking further action against those behind the attacks.

By order of the Minister of Justice, security forces are tearing down a camp of Bolsonaro supporters in front of a military barracks in Rio de Janeiro.

Meanwhile, he was released from a Florida hospital where he had gone for observation.

Bolsonaro fled to the United States with some of his ex-ministers at the end of December, presumably to avoid possible prosecution.

The authorities in Brazil now want to tackle this even more.

A Supreme Court judge has now ordered the arrest of Bolsonaro's former attorney general, Anderson Torres, who is also still in Florida.

Torres was most recently the head of public security in Brasilia and, according to the court, failed to prevent the riots.

An arrest warrant has also been issued for the head of Brasília's military police.