The Limited Times

Heads of all security forces in Brasilia exonerated

1/11/2023, 4:07:54 PM

Accused of omissive behavior during the assault on the buildings of power by Bolsonaro supporters (ANSA)

   The executive secretary of the Brazilian Ministry of Justice, Ricardo Cappelli, has exonerated all the leaders of the security forces of Brasilia, accused of omissive behavior during the assault on the buildings of power committed on Sunday by Jair Bolsonaro's radical supporters.

Among the discharged are the commander of the Shock Troop, Major Gustavo Cunha;

the head of the operations department, Colonel Eduardo Naime;

the executive secretary and commissioner of the federal police, Fernando Souza Oliveira, and Marília Ferreira de Alencar, undersecretary of intelligence.

   The administrative act signed by Cappelli - appointed by President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva as commissioner for federal intervention in the District of Brasilia - also formalizes the dismissal of Colonel Fábio Augusto Vieira, former general commander of the military police, who is in


   In addition, the judge of the Supreme Court (Stf), Alexandre de Moraes, has prohibited the occupation and blocking of roads or highways, as well as any

demonstrations organized in front of public buildings.

The decision responds to a request by the Attorney General of the State (Agu), which was based on the news that extremist groups would have called new protests via Telegram in the capital, Brasilia, and in the other capitals of the


The official has also ordered that Telegram, within two hours, blocks channels, profiles and accounts of groups linked to the former president of the Republic, Jair Bolsonaro, reports Cnn Brasil.

   In the event of violation of the prohibitions, a fine of 20,000 reais is envisaged for natural persons and 100,000 reais for legal persons.

Moraes then determined that the agents of the public security organs must, under pain of personal responsibility, arrest people who occupy or obstruct the roads.

"Absolutely NOTHING justifies the existence of encampments filled with terrorists, sponsored by various

financiers and with the compliance of civil and military authorities in total subversion of the necessary respect for the federal Constitution," wrote Moraes, one of the eleven members of the Stf.

   "And absolutely NOTHING justifies the omission and connivance of local authorities with criminals who previously announced that they would commit violent acts against the powers that be, as is now re-proposed in a new succession of posts in the groups of the digital application Telegram ", concluded the magistrate.

   For his part, Lula, commenting on the assault on the buildings of power in Brasilia last Sunday, said: "I would like to think of something

less than the coup, which was the work of a group of lunatics".

"They are acts of a minority that continues to believe in the lie of fraud in the elections and that does not want to accept the fact that our electronic ballot box is the most perfect in the world", he added, underlining that "I would have liked to avoid federal intervention, but these people don't want to talk".