The Limited Times

Mathilde Panot: "With Macron, after work, it's either the cemetery or misery"

1/11/2023, 7:14:46 PM

INTERVIEW – The president of the LFI group in the National Assembly points to a risk of “third-worldization” of France.


- What do you see as the purpose of this

pension reform


Mathilde PANOT.


Only make savings on the backs of the weakest and respond to the demands of the European Commission.

It does not in fact correspond to any of the announced realities, the main one being that we would have no choice, due to an announced catastrophe on funding.

However, contrary to its habit, the Pensions Orientation Council (COR) did not produce an alarmist report before the presentation of the project by the executive.

They do not validate any discourse on uncontrolled spending.

Whatever the scenarios, the COR predicts a return to equilibrium in 2070.

So the Head of State would make it a personal political matter?

Without a popular mandate – according to an Elabe poll for BFMTV, 80% of French people are opposed to a postponement of the legal age to 64 – his approach is purely ideological.

Emmanuel Macron offers us his vision of the world and of the human: after work, it's either...

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