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Neighbor complains with a note about a crying baby – parents are celebrated for the “brilliant answer”.

1/11/2023, 7:08:19 PM

Neighbor complains with a note about a crying baby – parents are celebrated for the “brilliant answer”. Created: 01/11/2023 19:57 By: Katarina Amtmann Users on Jodel are discussing this complaint note – and the answer. © Screenshot Jodel A neighbor in Regensburg complained about a baby that was crying too loudly at night. The note is being discussed online – and the parents' response is celebr

Neighbor complains with a note about a crying baby – parents are celebrated for the “brilliant answer”.

Created: 01/11/2023 19:57

By: Katarina Amtmann

Users on Jodel are discussing this complaint note – and the answer.

© Screenshot Jodel

A neighbor in Regensburg complained about a baby that was crying too loudly at night.

The note is being discussed online – and the parents' response is celebrated.

Regensburg – Only recently did the photo of a notice from the University of Regensburg from 1995 cause astonishment on the internet.

Even the university itself had commented on this.

Now a piece of paper from Regensburg is causing a stir again.

Note trouble in Regensburg: "Your child is very loud"

A photo of a note has been posted on the Jodel website.

It read: "Your child is very loud.

Please don't let it scream so loud at night.

You can also breastfeed it.

Other landlords with children also manage to keep their children quiet.

Thank you very much, the landlords.” The post on Jodel was commented on with the words “nice neighbors”.

"Who writes such a stupid message?" someone wants to know.

A second person is amused by the language and writes ironically: "Turn your child down!" The wording of the note caused trouble in the comments: "And 'turn it down' sounds like you should put a bag over the baby's head .

So outrageous!”

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"How nasty can you be?" - Paper trouble in Regensburg

“Since when do you actually have several landlords?

And since when do they not write letters, but bad messages?” A third person is irritated.

"There's a reason why young couples or families don't get apartments and rather build them themselves..." says someone.

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"How stupid can you be?

It annoys me when a child keeps crying.

But at the same time I also know that the parents would also like the child to be quieter and do everything anyway.

More is not possible and what use is a complaint there?” someone expresses a lack of understanding about the note-writer.

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Couple with baby reacts to a neighbor's note of anger – "Brilliant answer!"

However, the couple addressed did not want to put up with the complaint of the note writer – and responded with a note.

A photo of this was also posted in the Jodel thread: “Hello, dear neighbors.

I'm xxx and I moved in with you four weeks ago," says the baby.

"Sometimes I'm in a very bad mood or have a stomach ache, I have to cry and scream and don't let my parents calm me down right away (not even with breastfeeding).

Unfortunately, this mostly happens at night when everyone else is trying to sleep.

I'm still small, so you don't show that much consideration for others.

My parents are very sorry and they are happy to give a pack of earplugs to anyone who is bothered by it.”

"Brilliant answer," someone finds.

"De-escalating and still clear!" The couple received a lot of praise for the reaction – apparently also from a neighbor.

Because a new photo shows the reply letter with a handwritten comment: "Congratulations on the offspring and all the best".


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