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President al-Assad awards the Cuban ambassador in Damascus the Syrian Medal of Merit, of the highest degree

1/11/2023, 1:32:14 PM

Damascus, SANA - President Bashar al-Assad granted the Ambassador of the Republic of Cuba in Damascus, Miguel Porto Parga, the Medal of Merit


President Bashar al-Assad awarded the Ambassador of the Republic of Cuba in Damascus, Miguel Porto Parga, the Syrian Order of Merit of the Excellent Class, in honor of his efforts in developing relations between the two countries, and in appreciation of his dedication to performing his duties as his country's ambassador to Syria.

Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants Dr. Ayman Sousan, who decorated the Cuban ambassador with the medal at a farewell ceremony held by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants at the Dama Rose Hotel in Damascus today on the occasion of the end of his duties as ambassador of his country to Syria, said: “Mr. President Bashar Al-Assad issued a decree awarding the Syrian Order of Merit of the Excellent Class Ambassador Barga, in appreciation of his great efforts in strengthening the bonds of relations between the two friendly countries.

Dr. Soussan praised the important role of the Cuban ambassador in light of the difficult circumstances that Syria went through in order to strengthen and consolidate the various aspects of the relations between the two countries, noting that Ambassador Parga was also an ambassador to Syria and a strong voice to defend it and its issues.

Dr. Soussan stressed that the Syrian-Cuban relations are historically rooted and rooted in light of the ups and downs the world is witnessing, and that the two countries are always in one row because what governs their policies are the same stances and firm foundations and respect for national sovereignty and the independence of the national decision, in addition to respecting the importance of establishing a balanced world where justice prevails. Everyone enjoys security, prosperity and stability.

After receiving the medal, Ambassador Barga expressed his sincere thanks and gratitude to President al-Assad for awarding him this medal, considering it an incentive to continue working to strengthen bilateral relations, expressing his thanks to the Syrian government and people and the staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for their cooperation with him to complete his duties as ambassador to his country.

Barga pointed out that the bilateral relations are reflected in the common political positions on the international arena, whether in regional or international forums, and that the two countries are working to raise economic and trade relations to the same level as political relations, stressing that Cuba supports and will always remain the right of the Syrian people to their freedom, independence, sovereignty and the restoration of occupied lands.

The ceremony was attended by a number of ambassadors, representatives of diplomatic missions in Damascus, and directors of departments at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates.

Reem Hashma

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