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Prince Harry discusses rumors about his biological father for the first time

1/11/2023, 4:56:12 PM

What if Harry wasn't King Charles' son? For years, rumors have been rife about the biological father of the Duke of Sussex, who speaks on the subject for the first time in his Memoirs.

"Who knows if I'm really the Prince of Wales?"

sometimes threw Charles III to the young Prince Harry, in an amused tone.

“Who knows if I am even your real father?

Perhaps your real father is in Broadmoor, my dear child!”

The joke made Charles laugh a lot according to the writings of his youngest son, who saw absolutely nothing funny in it, given the rumor in vogue at the time.

According to her, her biological father is none other than one of her mother Diana's former lovers: Major James Hewitt.

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“This rumor was partly based on the fact that Major Hewitt had flamboyant red hair, but it was also a form of sadism, tackles the brother of Prince William in his Memoirs entitled

The Substitute


Tabloid readers were thrilled at the idea that Prince Charles' youngest son was not actually Prince Charles' child.

They never got tired of this “joke”, who knows why.

Perhaps they found a form of consolation in their own existence by telling themselves that the life of a young prince was laughable.

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"Sample of my DNA"

Determined to restore the truth, Prince Harry is categorical: he is the son of his father, Charles Mountbatten-Windsor.

And not the fruit of adultery.

"Never mind that my mother didn't meet Major Hewitt until long after I was born – that story was too good for them to give up."

From what we know, the meeting of the Princess of Wales with Major Hewitt dates back to the year 1986 … two years after the birth of Harry.

Nevertheless, the English press does not budge and continues to feed the rumor.

“It was even said that certain journalists were trying to obtain a sample of my DNA to prove it, assures the father of Archie and Lilibet today.

It was then that I realized for the first time that,


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Despite the denials (and the years), the gossip will never really die down.

Much to Prince Harry's chagrin.

“Even today, in any biography, any portrait of me in such a newspaper or such a magazine, there is talk of Major Hewitt and his possible paternity, relates Harry in



And this hypothesis is evoked with the utmost seriousness - until the story of the scene where Dad had finally pulled me aside to explain, eye to eye, that no, Major Hewitt was not my real father.

A sensational, poignant, moving scene – and invented from scratch.

If Dad had any opinion about Major Hewitt, he kept it to himself."

Dangerous relationships

James Hewitt himself remembered his affair with Lady Di in his book

Love and War

, published in 1999 by Blake Pub.

According to the principal concerned, captain then major in the British army, the princess would have asked him to give him riding lessons during an evening with friends.

"There was only one downside," he wrote.

We fell in love.”

During the eleven years of marriage of Prince Charles and Lady Diana, the tabloids lent the latter a total of seven liaisons.

She would have notably lived a romance with Barry Mannakee, her bodyguard, the former car salesman James Gilbey, or even the art dealer Oliver Hoare.

But the love of her life would be none other than Hasnat Khan, a surgeon with whom the princess fell in love after her separation from then-Prince Charles in 1992. Their romance would last two years.

The surgeon will put an end to it himself, hesitant to the idea that their story is more publicized.

Diana will then meet a certain Dodi Al-Fayed.

The result, fatal, is known.


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