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Forward from the line of judgment: when the president of the supreme court dared to say what was on her heart - voila! news

1/12/2023, 9:02:17 PM

In her speech at the Association for Public Law conference, Ester Hayut mentioned Minister Levin's reform, but she was actually speaking to Israeli society, and asked to be reminded that she was speaking for her and her rights. The criticism was not long in coming and marked the opening shot of the war of authorities

In the video: Judge Esther Hayut (Photo: Shlomi Gabbai)

Whether you support the words of Supreme Court President Esther Hayut or not, tonight we all experienced a historic event.

Where the presidents of the supreme court spoke theoretically and gave representative speeches, Hayut deviated from the line and said what she really thinks about the reform of Justice Minister Yariv Levin.

Hayut did mention Levin's name, but in fact she is addressing her words to the whole of Israeli society.

When Hayut mentioned the protection of the settlements in the Gaza Strip and the construction of the mikvah in a secular settlement, she wanted to tell the public "don't forget on whose behalf I am speaking tonight - on your behalf."

"The responsible adult".

Animals (Photo: Shlomi Gabai)

Unsurprisingly, the harsh criticism from the government came very quickly, the war of authorities began, but the question that Hayat sought to answer is when and who fired the opening shot.

Hayut sought to clarify this evening that the reform that Levin presented was the opening shot and she is now the "responsible adult" who seeks to restore order.

Whether you were convinced or not, there is something refreshing in the president's honest words - we finally heard without filters what the president thinks about the Israeli reality, and in my humble opinion, this is a great blessing.

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  • Esther Hayut