The Limited Times

Nuremberg Central Station: US soldiers get into an argument and attack the police

1/16/2023, 3:34:02 PM

After visiting a discotheque, US soldiers in Nuremberg apparently attacked the police who had given them a place eviction. An officer was injured.

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Patrol car at Nuremberg Central Station (archive image)

Photo: Michael Schmelzer/ vifogra/ dpa

Escalation from within the group: Several US soldiers attacked police officers at Nuremberg Central Station on Saturday.

As the police announced on Monday, the members of the army are said to have initially gotten into an argument at the exit of a discotheque.

Federal police officers then intervened and issued the ringleaders with dismissals.

law enforcement officers attacked

According to the information, a 21-year-old soldier was sent off "with immediate coercion".

Some of the group then showed solidarity with the young man and attacked the police officers.

One officer sustained injuries.

He was taken to a hospital for outpatient treatment.

Investigations had been launched against three of the soldiers for assault, resistance to law enforcement officers and bodily harm, it said.

The men were turned over to US Military Police in Vilseck.
