The Limited Times

Plácido Domingo – allegations against the opera star: "They tell you, don't ride alone in the elevator with Plácido Domingo"

1/16/2023, 11:58:21 AM

In a TV report, an anonymous Spanish singer raises new allegations against Plácido Domingo. During a rehearsal, the opera star asked if he could touch her bottom. He also tried to kiss her.

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Opera singer Domingo (at a performance in Buenos Aires 2022): »He is unassailable«

Photo: MARCOS BRINDICCI / Getty Images

In a program broadcast on Spanish television on Sunday, new allegations were made against Plácido Domingo.

The opera star has once again been accused of sexual assault - three years after similar reports curtailed his career and prompted an apology.

In the 2020 investigation, more than three dozen people from the fields of singing, dance, music, singing lessons or stage work had testified to having experienced or witnessed inappropriate behavior by Domingo.

The allegations against the 83-year-old concern incidents from three decades.

Domingo has not admitted to any wrongdoing.

The latest allegation comes from an unnamed singer who spoke on Spanish TV channel La Sexta.

Recognizable only as a dark shadowy figure, the woman said Domingo wanted to touch her;

the alleged incident took place in a Spanish theater in the early 21st century.

On another occasion he tried to kiss her, she said.

"One of the first things they tell you is: don't ride the elevator alone with Plácido Domingo," said the woman in La Sexta.

For the first time she felt uncomfortable during a rehearsal, the woman continues: "In front of everyone he said to me: 'Listen, can I put my hand in one of your great pockets?' I wore trousers with an embroidered back pocket". , she said.

She had a bad feeling in her stomach because she didn't know what to say so that one could continue working normally: "If I say no, there will be consequences.

And if I say yes, I don't even want to think about it.«

The singer said she did not report Domingo's behavior to her superiors or to the police: 'He is Domingo.

He's unassailable,' she added.

Representatives of Plácido Domingo have not yet commented on the allegations despite inquiries.

In 2020, an investigation by the American Musicians' Guild AGMA found that Domingo behaved inappropriately.

Domingo said in a statement at the time that he respected women's choices to speak out.

He "really regrets the pain it caused."

The results of the investigation led to publicly funded theaters in Spain canceling planned performances by the singer.

In the USA, too, houses such as the Metropolitan Opera in New York and the San Francisco Opera canceled planned engagements.

Domingo resigned as director general of the Los Angeles Opera, where its own investigation rated ten cases as "credible."

None of the cases had a judicial aftermath.

In an interview with the Spanish daily El Mundo in January 2022, Domingo denied molesting anyone.

He feels he has been condemned by the court of public opinion for not speaking out.

The AGMA investigation was one-sided and lacked concrete facts, he said.

In June, Domingo returned to Spain to perform at a charity concert after an absence of a year and a half.

He has also performed in other countries.
