The Limited Times

Mattarella to Zelensky, condolences Italy to the Ukrainian people

1/18/2023, 12:58:58 PM

"In interpreting the sentiments of closeness of the Italian people, I would like to offer the expressions of my most sincere condolences to you, Mr. President, to the government and to the friendly Ukrainian people, already tried in recent months by immense and very serious mourning ... (ANSA )

(ANSA) - ROME, 18 JAN - "As I express the sentiments of closeness of the Italian people, I would like to convey the expressions of my most sincere condolences to you, Mr. President, to the government and to the friendly Ukrainian people, already tried in recent months by immense mourning and serious suffering due to the brutal Russian aggression.

   Our thoughts go to the families of the victims, including those of the children of a local school involved in the helicopter crash, while we wish the wounded a speedy and complete recovery".

So the head of state Sergio Mattarella in a message of condolence to the Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky.