The Limited Times

"I've done congresses, but I've never seen that": in the midst of psychodrama, the PS is looking for a way out

1/20/2023, 7:25:07 PM

After 24 hours of invective between supporters of Olivier Faure and Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol, candidates for the post of First Secretary who rev

The glow at the end of the psychodrama?

This Friday evening, January 20, after having returned blow for blow for almost 24 hours, the camps of Olivier Faure and Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol, who both claim victory in the election for the post of First Secretary of the Socialist Party after the vote of 23,000 activists on Thursday, planned to hang up the gloves and discuss (finally) the results.

A "conference organization committee" has been accepted by both parties and will be held this Saturday at 1 p.m., in the presence of their respective representatives.

However, we are still very far from white smoke.

"I don't know how we get out of this mess.

You may need to revote.

Or else, we organize a duel at 6 a.m. in the meadow, ”jokes an old PS driver.

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