The Limited Times

53 new violations committed by the Saudi regime in Hodeidah, Yemen

1/20/2023, 7:13:35 PM

Sana'a-SANA The Saudi regime and its mercenaries committed 53 new violations of the cease-fire agreement in Al-Hodeidah Governorate, on Thursday.

Sana'a - SANA

The Saudi regime and its mercenaries committed 53 new violations of the ceasefire agreement in Al-Hodeidah Governorate, western Yemen, during the past 24 hours.

And the Yemeni website quoted the sources of the Liaison and Coordination Officers Room in Hodeidah as saying today: “Among the violations were the flight of 5 spy planes in the airspace of Hays and Al-Jabaliya and the creation of combat fortifications in them, in addition to 3 violations with artillery shelling and 34 other violations with various bullets.

Despite the signing of a ceasefire agreement in the Yemeni governorate of Al-Hodeidah in 2018, the forces of the Saudi regime and its mercenaries continue to constantly violate it.

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