The Limited Times

Chrissy Teigen and John Legend present their third daughter after suffering an abortion in 2020 at five months of gestation

1/20/2023, 7:25:13 PM

The model and the singer, who underwent fertility treatment at the beginning of last year, have been flagging their problems when it comes to conceiving for a decade

Chrissy Teigen and John Legend welcomed their third child last week.

It was the singer who announced the news on January 13 at a private concert, the same day the little girl was born.

Seven days after that moment, the model has publicly introduced her daughter, whose name is Esti Maxine Stephens, on her Instagram account, where she has more than 40 million followers.

It was in August when she Teigen announced that she is pregnant for the fourth time, after having suffered a miscarriage in October 2020.

The loss of their third child in the fifth month of pregnancy was one of the hardest moments of the marriage, which did not hesitate to make what happened public.

The model had to be hospitalized for excessive bleeding from the placenta and eventually lost her unborn child, whom they were going to name Jack.

The couple shared some very harsh images of the moment on their Instagram account, in which they can be seen in the hospital, embracing the recently deceased: “We are in


and in deep pain that we had only heard of, the type of pain we've never felt before.

We were unable to stop the bleeding and give our baby the fluids he needed, despite bags and bags of blood from transfusions.

It was not enough ”, they shared after the event.

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Chrissy Teigen announces that she is pregnant for the fourth time, after the abortion she suffered in the fifth month of pregnancy

In the same way that they announced the loss of Jack, now they have welcomed their little Esti and have presented her to all their followers: "The family could not be happier", the presenter has written on her profile along with a photograph of her two older children holding the baby.

“Daddy sheds tears of joy every night to see Luna and Miles so full of love, and I'm learning that I still need diapers going through a C-section.

We are full of happiness.

Thanks for all the love and well wishes, we're all sorry!

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Teigen and Legend have two other children: Luna Simone, six, and Miles Theodore, four, but they have always had in mind to expand the family despite the difficulties they have had to do so.

Since the loss of Jack, the model has shared the mourning in numerous interviews and has used her social networks to vindicate the importance of mental health, especially after such a difficult moment as the loss of a child.

In October 2021, Teigen revealed that the little boy's ashes accompanied them like one more on their family trips: "Whether it's because we're going on vacation or something like that, they always say [for their children]: 'Don't forget baby Jack" .

At the beginning of 2022, the model and presenter announced that they were beginning to undergo fertility treatment, in which they had no deposited guarantee.

But as she and the singer announced months later, in the end it worked and they were able to announce the pregnancy, always looking back at what happened two years before: "There are so many ways to conceive a baby today... either by surrogacy or adoption”, explains the model in



about her desire to continue increasing her family.

The three children they have had throughout their 10 years of marriage have been thanks to in vitro fertilization


because of their fertility problems.

Teigen and Legend met in 2006 on the set of the song



Such was the connection that arose between them that they ended the day eating hamburgers in their hotel room after 14 hours of filming.

Seven years later, the couple said "I do" on Lake Como (Italy), becoming one of the most beloved couples in show business.

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