The Limited Times

Inés Estévez is the new lady of jazz, the music that marked her childhood

1/20/2023, 9:31:04 PM

The actress and singer talks about the sounds of her childhood, her changes of course, her daughters, her emotions.

For some years now, the singer and actress Inés Estévez has been going through an exceptional moment in the field of jazz.

To such an extent that

she was summoned to be one of the protagonists of the Summertime Festival

, which brings together great exponents of the genre, including international artists.

The light-eyed blonde singer has two turns: Saturday, February 21 and February 5, on the stage of Bebop (Uriarte 1658), in



And she celebrates these events, in addition to the compliments of her own and those of others within the musical field.

Inés has just returned from Uruguay


She goes from one place to the other: family issues, essays and endless activities that keep her busy.

However, she takes her time to talk with


about her life: past, present and even future,

without avoiding any answer


As soon as he begins to tell his story, it immediately becomes clear that he is a person who carefully thinks about his projects and

does not make decisions lightly


The actress recalls her childhood in Dolores, with jazz playing in the background.

Photo: Jimena Ambrosioni

“Professionally, I am redefining directions, spacing out musical presentations and

looking for my own sound with a view to a second album


In terms of acting, I am evaluating

two theatrical projects that overlap

, which puts me in conflict because I would like to do both, it also takes time for music because both work at night ”, he narrates about his current situation.

A life musicalized by jazz

Behind having launched as

a vocalist in a jazz orchestra

, there are antecedents between her and singing throughout her life, from a very young age.

“I studied lyrical singing as a way to acquire respiratory support, both for the stage and for singing, I

was the singer of a funk band

and I felt that my voice was too small for that context”, she points out.

Although her family, in Dolores, a city in the province of Buenos Aires where she was born and raised, also had a lot to do with influencing her.

"I would dance to my old Tony Bennet tunes," shares Estevez.

Photo: Alejandra Lopez

“In my house a lot of jazz was heard,

my father played piano and double bass by ear;

he sang jazz with a group of friends


I was 8 years old and whistled trumpet arrangements by Louis Armstrong and

danced to my old Tonny Bennet songs

, melancholy with

Billie Holiday and hallucinating with Aretha Franklin

, who came from a DJ brother, along with all the soul and funk " , reveals.

On the other hand, he assumes that

his mother's influence was substantial, even from a visual point of view


“My mom listened to opera on the radio and

French chanson

at the Winco.

I studied dance since I was 4 years old, so I would sit down to listen to classical music and get excited about that world.

A lot of musical baggage without guidance or instructions


On demand!

It was something that I am grateful to have had at my fingertips.

She nurtured me absolutely."

Dad and Mom were struggling middle-class people

, with personal histories of similar childhoods: fathers who died early and single mothers.

My mother was a French teacher and

worked in five different schools

, one was night and there she taught typing.

My father was

a clerk at Obras Sanitarias

and also did secretarial tasks in a court, in a social club, in a notary's office.

Nothing was enough to support that family of six that we were


My childhood home was rented and very small, ”she recalls.

As a girl she wanted to be a dancer, when she grew up she became an actress... and a singer.

Photo: Osiris Martí.

On the other hand, she points out something unexpected for any admirer of hers in the acting field: “

I didn't dream of being an actress


I never did it.

That came later, more than anything due to the impossibility of having shaped my true vocations.

My inclinations were music and books.

My initial vocation was dance


From Dolores to "the capital"

At the age of 18, Estévez arrived in Buenos Aires and everything began to roll at a dizzying pace, in search of a future different from the one his hometown proposed.


I arrived in Buenos Aires fleeing forward

, the tedium of a town without resources to develop any type of art was heartbreaking", she summarizes, saddened.

He performs at Bebop this Saturday and February 5th.

Photo: Jimena Ambrosioni.

With the passing of the years, popularity came, accompanied by successes and even awards, but which she values ​​as pivotal moments in her arduous career.

Transcendental moments usually coincide with awards


El ACE for

El Diluvio que viene

, which coincided with the premiere of

Matar al Abuelito

, a film with which

I won my first Silver Condor and the Best Actress Award in Biarritz

, and

Risk Zone,

which earned me a nomination for

Martin Iron


All this came together in the same year after 7 rowing ”, she lists.

Jimena Soria (Estévez), the daughter of María Elena (Leonor Manso), an unbeatable duo of "Vulvnerables".

Then he sighs, thinks for a few seconds and continues: “Also


, like a pivotal moment, with

two consecutive Martin Fierro


Or the year I returned to acting after a nine-year absence.

In 2014 with

The Mystery of Happiness


And, in 2018, the year I did

The Master


Something awesome?

A year before, when I launched with my band, when I toured Uruguay and Argentina with music, as well as releasing

the album that was nominated for the Gardel


Heaven and Life's mom

Inés's days are intense for various reasons: due to this time, her mother is not in good health and, according to what she tells it, is in a terminal state.

My mother is going through her last moments and that means a major removal of foundations


PAMI covers a few things.

IOMA little and nothing.

She is in her house, well cared

for by her, but we think that an elderly person in her condition, who has no children or resources, and who does not reach organic complications that refer him to a health center, how does he do ?

Old age in this system is cruel”

, she describes and analyzes the situation.

Despite this difficult moment that she has to face as a daughter, she cannot neglect the family she formed when she adopted her two daughters,

Cielo and Vida

, who have developmental delays and require constant attention.

He talks about the decision to adopt them, when he was still a couple with

Fabián Vena


It was very natural.

I always considered that idea long before deciding to be a mother


It seems logical to me to receive children already born who have no one to care for them ”, emphasizes Estévez.

Then she sighs and describes them with an open heart, just like what a madrassa she is.

“They are as their names indicate:

Life is resounding, concrete, super vital, it is the joy of existence

, it radiates action and enthusiasm.

Cielo is ethereal, beautiful, sweet, soft and mysterious


When it came out about the adoption, the legal inconveniences for the arrival of the girls were also echoed in the media.

However, everything fell into place a couple of years later.

“We did not solve it, but the law.

We adopted for right and we did all the pertinent steps.

Even so, the girls arrived two and a half years after that procedure.

And they didn't take any longer because

we signed up for siblings up to 8 or 9 years old with treatable or reversible diseases

: the children that generally nobody wants to adopt," she recalls.

"The system is very flawed, the concept of adoption is also flawed, and the people who believe that a biological child guarantees a good bond and no health setbacks 

did not understand that a kid is not a personal plan or a remedy for their own shortcomings

A child is a gratifying responsibility!”, he emphasizes.

In a certain way, part of Inés's statements are

an extension of her experiences through social networks

, where she often writes.

Perhaps a kind of catharsis?

Your relationship with social media

“I only

write online when I think it adds up


Or to defend myself from some destructive or inaccurate position.

I am a firm defender of the truth


The truth is unappealable.

I usually express myself lucidly, sometimes I try to be elegant and other times I apply a little humor to it, so what I receive is respect, even when they don't adhere, ”she says.

In turn, social networks are usually a space in which the actress and jazz singer

brings up topics such as feminism and empowerment

, topics so in vogue in society.

The empowered woman is relative, we are all fighting together to overthrow social injustices

that condemn us to greater or lesser inequalities.

In Iran they kill women for whether or not they wear a cloth on their heads, in Africa they cut off their clitoris at the age of 6 and

here they rape, torture and kill every day


What they call empowerment

is nothing more than a resistance to those atrocities


And then she adds the following, as if to round off her thought: “At some point I expressed that being a feminist is an urgency, not a choice, and that follows from the scourge of the social mandate.

Because burying a woman up to her neck and stoning her to death accusing her of infidelity is not injustice, it is a scourge ”.

Other projects in mind

In addition to dedicating herself to acting and singing,

Inés writes poems

-she is the author of a collection of poems called


and another part of her time is dedicated to

acting teaching

, as another source of income.

“I still don't have the time I would like to sit down and write my next book, and I'm also planning to set up a comprehensive acting school: I've always offered intensive seminars, but it's time to put together a more finished structure,” he assumes.

Regarding her role as an acting educator, she reveals that she has her own method, never seen before.

“I base it on my professional experience, because not having resources I couldn't study, but I was trained by working.

It is very effective and easy to approach.

People are transformed after going through the classes, there is

an educational approach that destroys verticality, rigor, critical judgment and qualification


On the other hand, she stresses that she would like to return to the role of director of a play, but at the same time admits that days have only twenty-four hours.

Everything is somewhat postponed due to my motherhood, which is a bit difficult

, but nothing is impossible.

I have worked a lot since I was a mother and it is a matter of simply organizing”, clarifies the jazz singer.

-How will your shows be at the Summertime Festival?

-On this occasion, the original pianist and alma mater of the band joins us on the February date, and this Saturday we incorporate

Ornella Contreras, a jazz pianist who, at only 20 years old, is breaking it


I'm going with double bass, drums and guitar, as well as the piano, and I don't rule out surprise guests.

He says that "we have a repertoire that unites jazz with other popular genres and the night always turns into a party. Singing is connective and the music is uplifting, at least for me it is like that.

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