The Limited Times

Job Hopping, what it is and why in Italy it works only in digital - Lifestyle

1/20/2023, 5:21:05 PM

(HANDLE) Goodbye to permanent jobs, at least for digital professions. After the phenomenon of the post-covid Great Resignations - the great resignations, the mass resignations from 2018 to today, according to a re-elaboration of the recruitment company Oliver James on Anpal Servizi data, have grown by about 65% (the resigners have in fact gone from about 350,000 to 580,000 in the current year) - a new tren

Goodbye to permanent jobs, at least for digital professions.

After the phenomenon of the post-covid

Great Resignations

- the great resignations, the mass resignations from 2018 to today, according to a re-elaboration of the recruitment company Oliver James on Anpal Servizi data, have grown by about 65% (the resigners have in fact gone from about 350,000 to 580,000 in the current year) - a new trend comes from America,

job hopping.

Literally "jumping from one job to another", a more

widespread phenomenon among millennials who use it to secure higher salaries and a workplace with a better life-work balance.

And Italy is certainly not immune from this trend, which however seems to concern only the digital technology sector. 

ANSA. it

Toxic work: after smart working, Job Creep, excess availability - Lifestyle


Job hopping: digital professions

According to the Bulletin of the Excelsior information system, created by Unioncamere and Anpal,

over 70% of companies have invested in technological transformation


A growth in contrast with the general economy which also has repercussions on the encounter between job seekers and job offers.

In fact, the mixmatch between job demand and supply for technological positions is rapidly increasing: the difficulty of finding suitable professionals concerns 46.4% of the profiles sought, a value approximately eight percentage points higher than a year ago and which is equivalent to over 177 thousand profiles of the 382 thousand wanted. 

ANSA. it

Quiet Quitting , the new phenomenon of working at a minimum - Lifestyle


Job hopping: the situation in Italy

If we leave the digital professions, however, the panorama is a bit different.

In fact, while the trend has already started in America - according to the latest LinkedIn annual report,

in the United States millennials change almost 2.85 jobs in the first five years after graduation, against an average of 1.6 for the previous generation

and -, in Italy, given the propensity of millennials to change jobs every two years (according to a Deloitte study),

there is a whole context to consider


“Youth unemployment is still very high in our country: with a rate of 23.7%, Italy ranks third in Europe, according to Eurostat data.

Not only that - adds Novelli, general manager of Oliver James Italy -

Italy is also one of the countries where wages have grown the least in the last 30 years according to the latest OECD data


And this is above all a problem with inflation on the rise: if, in fact, payrolls showed a +3%, inflation grew by 8.1%.

Basically, the wage increases compensated for only 40% of the increases, against an EU average of 54%”.

Job hopping: yes or no?

Recruiter advice

But is it really an opportunity to switch from one job to another?

“It is undoubtedly right to look at the opportunities present on the market - says Pietro Novelli - but it may also be advisable to know how to negotiate internally in one's own company in order to have a review of one's salary package.

To do this, it is good to understand what type of company you work for or, better, the type of remuneration policy adopted by the company.

There are two criteria for establishing salary increases: the criterion of fairness (equally for everyone) or meritocracy (based on employee performance trends)

and each has advantages and disadvantages.”

And again: “Other useful things are: understanding and agreeing on one's salary and promotion reviews even before joining the company;

make the awareness of the value of one's professional figure known to one's interlocutor (HR or manager).

For example: knowing that "The market offers X", allows you not to compromise your position by making explicit any selective processes and/or expressly mentioning the colleagues you have come to know about their salary".

And again: "If you work within a highly meritocratic company, providing support for the results of your performance will allow you to present yourself for an interview with an HR in an appropriate manner with respect to the company values ​​and, if the internal salary review comparisons or promotion does not produce the expected results,

you can use the counter-offer mechanisms to get your company relaunching”.

Finally, the change of company, although it is often the fastest way to improve one's salary, does not always go hand in hand with the enhancement or improvement of one's skills.

Novelli explains: “

In the long term, changing company too often can compromise one's professional profile

(lack of depth of skills acquired, little continuity with design and transformation challenges that necessarily take years to be finalized, etc.)”.