The Limited Times

Poster of 'The Godfather' in the first hideout of Messina Denaro

1/20/2023, 5:15:00 PM

Found by the police during the search (ANSA)  In the first hideout of Matteo Messina Denaro searched by the Ros, in Campobello di Mazara, the carabinieri also found a poster with the face of 'The Godfather', the one interpreted in the homonymous film by Marlon Brando.     The image is a close-up of the godfather, wearing a bow tie and a red rose to his right, very similar to the poster of the film by Francis Ford Coppola in which the protago

 In the first hideout of Matteo Messina Denaro searched by the Ros, in Campobello di Mazara, the carabinieri also found a poster with the face of 'The Godfather', the one interpreted in the homonymous film by Marlon Brando.

    The image is a close-up of the godfather, wearing a bow tie and a red rose to his right, very similar to the poster of the film by Francis Ford Coppola in which the protagonist - Marlon Brnado - plays the character of don Vito Corleone. 

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