The Limited Times

Robledo Puch, closer to his release: a nursing home in San Nicolás could be his new home

1/20/2023, 7:24:56 PM

The greatest multiple murderer in Argentine criminal history has been in prison for half a century. On the day he turned 71, he signed a document for the first time in which he asked to be released.

Carlos Eduardo Robledo Puch, the greatest multiple murderer in Argentine criminal history,

formally requested his release for the first time after 50 years in prison

with the aim of continuing his life in a nursing home in San Nicolás.

He did it this Thursday, just the day he turned 71.

He did it through his new lawyer, whom he met last October, Jorge Alfonso.

Already in that first meeting in Unit 26 of Olmos, where on February 3 he celebrated half a century behind bars, the detainee expressed his desire to recover his freedom.

But for that, details were missing that in recent weeks have been fine-tuned.

Last year Alfonso had stated that he made a presentation before Chamber I of the San Isidro Appeals Chamber to request his "immediate release" on the grounds

that his sentence "has expired"


"Black Angel" or "Angel of Death", during the trial in which he was sentenced to life.

Faced with this requirement, the judges asked him for two things: that

a person be the guarantor of Puch

, that is, that he function as a guardian/manager who cares for him, attends to him and controls his actions.

And on the other hand, it is the "angel of death" himself who,

through a letter, asks to be released


Both things were accomplished


First, two women appeared who contacted the lawyer and told him that she was willing to receive him at the nursing home where they work.

There he can stay to live the rest of his days.

"It is a home in which he would be housed in the background with a separate house. The people who live there

would have no problem that he would reside with them

. There will also be a priest to give him spiritual support and the people of the Church would take care of it. to give him a material containment", explained his current defender.

The second requirement was completed

only 24 hours ago


It is that this Thursday, when the greatest serial killer in history turned 71, he finally signed the request in his own hand to be able to get out of prison.

The Puch case is one of the most shocking in Argentine police history.

"These are the two requests that the judges made and that were fulfilled. The home where he would go to live is enabled and has everything in order so that Puch can live there. The letter is also signed, so now all that remains is to wait for the time procedures to effectively grant him his release," Alfonso told this newspaper.

According to prison spokesmen,

Puch suffers from asthma and COPD

, as well as

mobility problems


Regarding his state of mind, Alfonso maintained that "serving 50 years in prison killed him" and described him as "

a living dead


"The idea of ​​​​proposing the release is due to the exhaustion of the sentence. He has already served more than 50 years in prison. How long does an accessory last for an indefinite period?

That he is imprisoned for life would be crazy

, "said the lawyer.

Puch in his cell in the Sierra Chica prison, then he was transferred to Olmos.

During the coronavirus pandemic, back in mid-2020, the news broke that Puch's wish was that "if euthanasia were in force in the country, he would ask for a dignified death."

Other failed attempts by Puch to ask for his release

This is not Robledo's first attempt to request his release.

At the beginning of 2022, he also sought to request, together with his previous lawyer, Diego Dousdebes, that judges Ernesto García Maañón and Oscar Roberto Quintana grant him probation.

Given this circumstance, the magistrates requested a series of psychiatric and psychological expertise, although Puch and Dousdebes could not agree on the modality of the same, so "El Ángel"

 decided to change his legal representative


But his request to regain freedom gained strength again.

Alfonso pointed out that he came to defend Puch after two ladies from the aforementioned nursing home contacted him by phone.

"They asked me if I could take care of the issue. I went to visit him, I talked to him and here we are," he summarized.

The "Angel of Death" was arrested on February 3, 1972 and sentenced on November 27, 1980 to "life imprisonment with the accessory imprisonment for an indefinite period" by Room I of the San Isidro Chamber, which

found him guilty of 11 homicides

, among other crimes.

Robledo Puch, in one of the transfers to the courts of San Isidro.

During his 50 years in prison, Robledo Puch went through multiple prison units, the first of which was Penal Unit 9 in La Plata, from where he escaped on July 7, 1973,

although he was recaptured 68 hours later


He remained in that prison until 1981 and then he was transferred to Unit 2 of Sierra Chica, where he remained until May 23, 2019, when he was admitted to the Olavarría municipal hospital for "multifocal pneumonia."

Five days later, after being discharged, he was referred to Unit 22 in Olmos, where the prison hospital operates.

After he recovered, he was transferred to Unit 26 of the same district, where he is currently staying.

It is a prison that has

a semi-open regime

, which means that it does not have walls but a perimeter fence;

It only houses inmates

who are not serving sentences for serious crimes

or who are close to being released, and most of the prisoners are over 60 years of age.

Robledo's life was taken to the movies: on May 11, 2018, the film "El ángel" had its world premiere at the Cannes Film Festival, which brought its story to fiction played by debutant actor Lorenzo Ferro in a film directed by the filmmaker Luis Ortega.


look also

Robledo Puch: the last act of the boy who had killed 11 people

The perpetual quarantine of Robledo Puch: from cell 17, he asks to be killed