The Limited Times

The Franco-German couple: an indispensable tandem for the European Union

1/20/2023, 7:36:51 PM

STORY - The tandem - yet highly anticipated when Europe floats or finds itself in turmoil - also creates its share of tensions in the other Member States.

Brussels and the European capitals will have their eyes on the sixtieth anniversary of the Élysée Treaty on Sunday and on the possible impulses given by Emmanuel Macron and Olaf Scholz.

In particular on the response to the massive subsidies put in place by Washington or on the governance of the Union which should be reformed to prepare for future enlargements.

These subjects are crucial for Europe and they cannot progress without a common position or strong points of rapprochement between Germany and France.

Paris and Berlin remain the Union's main driving force.

And everything works better when the engine is running well

”, summarizes an EU source.

The Franco-German couple is necessary but it is no longer sufficient

Daniela Schwarzer, Director of Open Society-Europe

But the machine is somewhat seized up, mainly on the German side.

Olaf Scholz is criticized for not having taken the measure of his responsibility vis-à-vis a Europe struggling with a war on its doorstep.

He has not yet crossed the threshold

”, sums up a diplomat.

The idea of ​​moving from a peace project to…

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