The Limited Times

War in Ukraine: in Ramstein, the delivery of new tanks remained on hold

1/20/2023, 8:19:03 PM

Despite repeated pleas from kyiv, Germany has not taken any decision about sending Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine. kyiv shows itself p

It was to be a decisive meeting for Ukraine.

For several days, Volodymyr Zelensky has been increasing calls to Westerners, from kyiv to Davos, on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum, demanding the massive dispatch of tanks.

Essential equipment for the fighting on the front, always intense especially in the region of Bakhmout, a city in the east of the country.

Mykhaïlo Podoliak, adviser to the presidency, had even called on his allies to "stop trembling in front of Putin".

In his sights: Germany.

But despite growing pressure from several of its European neighbors, Berlin did not decide on sending Leopard 2 tanks. The question "was discussed" during this meeting organized in Ramstein, with some 50 Western countries, but “No decision has been taken,” declared Boris Pistorius, the new German Defense Minister, during a press conference.

"We cannot say today when and what the decision on the Leopard tanks will be," he added.

What decisions were made at Ramstein?

None, on the sending of new tanks, thus hampered by the non-approval of Berlin.

But a few hours before the start of the discussions, several allies had announced an increase in their aid.

Washington said it was releasing a new $2.5 billion package, including 59 “Bradley” armored vehicles, which will be added to the 50 light armored vehicles of this type promised on January 6, and 90 Stryker armored personnel carriers, according to the Pentagon .

The United Kingdom has pledged to send an additional 600 Brimstone missiles, Denmark 19 French-made Caesar guns, and Sweden Archer self-propelled guns.

As for Finland, it promised this Friday military aid of 400 million euros, its largest contribution to date, which includes artillery and ammunition.

Finally, the Netherlands indicated that it was going to help kyiv to equip itself with the “Patriot” anti-aircraft defense system.

"These are two launchers and missiles," the Dutch Defense Ministry said in a statement, confirming a "collaborative project with the United States and Germany."

What were the reactions after the meeting?

The German status quo obviously pained the Ukrainian head of state: "Yes, we will still have to fight for the supply of modern tanks", he regretted.

"But every day we make it more evident that there is no other solution than a decision on the tanks," he said in a video.

Volodymyr Zelensky was nevertheless pleased with a meeting which "will strengthen our resilience", citing the "hundreds of combat vehicles added to the arsenal", and the "significant results concerning rockets and anti-aircraft systems".

Oleksii Reznikov, his Minister of Defense, congratulated his new German counterpart on his appointment, appreciating “the frank discussion” they had had about the Leopard 2 tanks. “To be continued”, he concluded on Twitter.

"There is an urgent need to intensify support to enable Ukraine to win and retake occupied territory," said Jens Stoltenberg, NATO Secretary General, earlier in the afternoon, who hailed the "new package" of aid brought to Ukraine for its defence.

I welcome the significant new package of combat capabilities announced in Ramstein for #Ukraine's self-defence.

Russia is preparing for new offensives, so it is urgent to step up support to enable Ukraine to win & retake occupied territory.

— Jens Stoltenberg (@jensstoltenberg) January 20, 2023

Lloyd Austin, US Secretary of Defense, acknowledged: “We can all do more”.

"They are reliable and they have been for a very long time and I sincerely believe that they will continue to be a reliable ally in the future," he said of the Germans and their refusal to engage new deliveries of Leopard 2 tanks. At the time of closing the meeting, the trained soldier finally hailed the “unwavering support” for Ukraine from the fifty or so countries present during this day of consultation.