The Limited Times

Serie A: Fiorentina-Turin 0-0

1/21/2023, 7:43:42 PM

The grenade coach Juric: 'We want to restart with Viola' DIRECT (ANSA) Fiorentina-Torino in the field LIVE for the 19th day of Serie A Against Turin to redeem the defeat at the Olimpico with Roma and restart in the league: Vincenzo Italiano shakes his team on the eve of the match against the grenades, Saturday at 20.45 at the Franchi, which will close the first round.''The The support of our public is very important - said the Fiorentina coach, answering the social

Fiorentina-Torino in the field


for the 19th day of Serie A

Against Turin to redeem the defeat at the Olimpico with Roma and restart in the league: Vincenzo Italiano shakes his team on the eve of the match against the grenades, Saturday at 20.45 at the Franchi, which will close the first round.''The The support of our public is very important - said the Fiorentina coach, answering the social questions of some fans from the club's channels - We have to recreate the enthusiasm that was there last season and this is up to me and my players through the results and performance''.

At Toro, planning for the future begins with Ivan Juric at the helm of the team.

"I saw the president Cairo and the director Vagnati, it was a positive meeting" reveals the coach, with the fans hoping for the white smoke on his contract renewal expiring in June 2024. "But that's not the priority, I still have a long relationship and the important thing now is to have a great six months - the coach points out on the issues discussed during the face-to-face meeting in Milan on Thursday evening - and see which path the club will take: we have many deadlines between loans and players. Now I'm waiting to evaluate concrete things".

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