The Limited Times

Second heating subsidy: Who gets the money – and how much

1/24/2023, 7:50:26 PM

Who will receive the second heating subsidy - and when should the one-time payment be paid out? All information here at a glance.

Who will receive the second heating subsidy - and when should the one-time payment be paid out?

All information here at a glance.

Frankfurt – The second heating cost subsidy is fixed.

The federal government's decision comes at just the right time, because the rising energy costs are causing many headaches.

In an interview, Robert Habeck (Greens) already warned of an ordeal.

And according to a survey by the opinion research

institute Yougov

in September, 56 percent of those surveyed stated that they wanted to heat significantly less in winter.

But how does the new resolution differ from the first heating subsidy?

What we know so far - and what not,


Second Grant: Vote.

Second heating subsidy: who should receive the payment?

Not every German citizen is automatically entitled to the heating cost subsidy.

According to the federal government, certain groups of people will receive the subsidy if they have received housing benefit or special state subsidies at least once in the months September 1st to December 31st, 2022.

An overview of who receives the heating cost subsidy in this case:

  • housing benefit recipients

  • Apprentices, students in vocational training, people in advanced training courses and students who are supported with a maintenance contribution under the Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG) or the Upgrading Training Assistance Act or under Book Three of the Social Code

Second heating subsidy: How high should the one-off payment be?

However, not everyone and every beneficiary receives the same amount.

This depends on factors such as the number of people living in the household and the state subsidy.

For example, a two-person household with a housing benefit entitlement receives 540 euros.

For each additional person living in the household, there is 100 euros each.

An overview of the amount of the heating subsidy in detail:

group of people


Person entitled to housing benefit (1 person)

415 euros

Two-person household and housing allowance

540 euros

Three-person household and housing allowance

640 euros

Students and trainees with funding

345 euros

Second heating subsidy: when should it be paid out?

It is not yet clear when the grant will actually be paid out.

The federal government says, "The aim is for the federal states to pay out the subsidy before the end of this year".

An application does not have to be submitted, the heating cost subsidy is issued by the respective offices.

However, a payout this year could be tight.

According to the German Association of Cities, the payment is not expected until the end of January 2023 or the beginning of February 2023, reports the



According to the government, around 1.2 million people in Germany will receive the heating subsidy.

This results in additional costs for the federal budget of an estimated 551 million euros.


List of rubrics: © Sven Simon/Imago

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