The Limited Times

The actress Ana Doval, who worked in Los Simuladores, Casi Ángeles and Chiquititas, died

1/24/2023, 8:08:48 PM

He was 68 years old. She also had an extensive career in theater. In cinema, she participated in Evita and Gatica el Mono.

The actress

Ana Doval

, with an extensive career on television,

died this Tuesday at the age of 68


This was confirmed by the Argentine Association of Actors, who dismissed the artist with a heartfelt message that she appeared in programs such as Casi Ángeles, Los Simuladores and Chiquititas.

"With great regret we say goodbye to the actress Ana Doval, who developed a vast artistic career on television, theater, radio and cinema. She had been a member of our union since 1985. Our

heartfelt condolences

to her loved ones, accompanying them in pain," they said from the entity.

Doval, born in 1954, last appeared on the small screen in the series

Little Victoria

, in 2021. The beginning of her career was in the theater at the beginning of the eighties.

At the end of that decade she made her first performance on TV.

In addition, she ventured into the cinema, acting in a Leonardo Favio film.

"It is with great pain that we bid farewell to our dear colleague and friend Ana Doval, who has had a great artistic career and as an active member of the SAGAI Supervisory Board. We accompany family and friends in this painful moment," the Argentine Management Society said. of Performing Actors.

Doval studied with Carlos de Urquiza and Manuel González Gil at the Popular University of Belgrano.

In his formation he also crossed paths with other recognized names, such as Norman Briski and Agustín Alezzo.

He did not wait too long to test himself on the tables.

It was in 1982 that she made her debut with Marcha and El Maestro, both in the auditorium of the Popular University of Belgrano.

She later appeared in about twenty works, from classics by William Shakespeare and Tennessee Williams to his latest appearances such as Enrique Wernicke's The Apparatus (2013).

His face became more widely known

on television


In 1988 she had a role in Sin Verso.

Already in the nineties she acted in Zona De Riesgo IV YV and in the Alta Comedia cycle.

At the end of that decade, she was seen in the youth soap operas Cebollitas,


and Verano del 98, as well as Naranja Y Media (with Guillermo Francella), all of them on Telefé.

In El Trece he participated in


(Mercedes Morán and Juan Leyrado), which brought costumbrismo to the screen.

She also stood out in


, where she shared the program with a team of stars: Osvaldo Laport, Soledad Silveyra, Mariano Martínez, Julieta Díaz and Laura Azcurra.

Entering the new century, he appeared in My Love, Guilty of This Love and

Love in Custody


He was also part of Los Simuladores.

Later he acted in

Casi Ángeles

(his return to the adolescent audience), Todos contra Juan, El Elegido and Herederos De Una Venganza.

His last roles were in The rich do not ask for permission, I want to live by your side and Little Victoria, in 2021.

In cinema his career was shorter, but includes participations in Gatica el Mono (1994), by Leonardo Favio;

Evita (1995), by Alan Parker;

and in Anita (2009), by Marcos Carnevale.


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