The Limited Times

Dispute over new highway projects - traffic light parties separate without agreement

1/26/2023, 8:21:30 PM

The coalition committee should have settled the ongoing dispute between the environment and transport ministries. But it did not get to that.

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Photo: Wolfgang Kumm / picture alliance / dpa

The traffic light parties still cannot agree on how construction projects in Germany should be built faster in the future.

The leaders of the FDP, SPD and Greens did not find a compromise in the coalition committee in the Chancellery.

DER SPIEGEL learned this from coalition circles.

Accordingly, the Greens did not want to compromise with their coalition partners.

"This is a necessary clarification process between the three traffic light parties, not a conflict between the two ministries," it said.

The environment and transport ministries had previously been unable to agree on a solution, even after weeks of arguments.

Transport Minister Wissing (FDP) plans to build new autobahns faster.

The acceleration laws from the Federal Ministry of Economics led by Robert Habeck (Greens) are a model for a corresponding draft law.

The Greens oppose these plans and point to the poor climate balance of the Ministry of Transport.

The dispute is now entering the next round - although speed would be appropriate, especially when it comes to the renovation of numerous dilapidated bridges.

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