The Limited Times

If Khan al-Ahmar is the test, it is better to fail Israel today

1/26/2023, 9:45:15 PM

The government of the National Camp has not yet celebrated a month since its inauguration, and the right is already jumping from right to right.

Look how quickly it happened:

the government of the National Camp has not yet celebrated a month since its inauguration, and already, as in Pavlovian conditioning, the right is jumping from right to right.

The fact that the "full-on" right-wing government doesn't do it for him either.

The fact that he is also standing on the brink of a historical reform in the justice system - does not excite him.

The fact that even senior and influential files for extreme figures in religious-settler Zionism - do not satisfy him.

"Not satisfying" is an understatement.

After all, they work without being satisfied.

What is at stake, what is really urgent for this wing to do, is to exhaust as soon as possible any move that may embarrass, conflict, stick a stick in the wheels, split, spoil, troll the government, and of course, how we forgot - to prove that Netanyahu is actually not right-wing enough, and it is doubtful if at all was ever

Knesset members Edelstein and Danon in Khan al-Ahmar, photo: Oren Ben Hakon

so what are we doing?

climb the mountain

Conquer the thrash.

There is no task more burning on the right's agenda than a new outpost in Samaria.

Once the name Druckman was carried by everyone as a symbol of compromise, of a pragmatic approach and of striving for agreement.

A month after his death, some of his descendants and successors feel an urgent need to name a defiant youth action after him, the whole purpose of which is to embarrass the government on the background of a political visit, to escalate the tension between Gallant and Smotrich, to put the coalition agreements to the test - and of course, to produce a filmed media event that will prove to the right From right to right here, the "right" government is evicting Jews.

Be sure that soon we will also hear that they miss Bennet and Shaked.

Oh, how they are missed!

The trolls or not to be

More it turns and it comes: also Khan al-Ahmar on the plancha.

Do not think that there is no one who sits and rubs hands with pleasure.

Bring popcorn.

Let's see how the Netanyahu government will behave.

An outpost of Jews is a diversion, and an outpost of Palestinians it allows to prosper and flourish?

If the government does not evacuate, they warn, a sign that it is leftist.

With an indescribably foolish recklessness, MKs from Likud are also fanning this unnecessary fire. Coincidentally, also those who have a stomach full of Netanyahu.

I will never be able to understand how a miserable pile of tin cans, a cocoon of poverty and destitution somewhere on the road descending from Ma'ale Adumim to Jericho, became the great test of the right.

to the litmus test of the governments.

A nuclear bomb ticks through a leaky shack.

And yes, I heard the explanations about the strategic location and the illegal construction and the European support.

Palestinians protest in Khan al-Ahmar, photo: TPS

They really want us to be shocked by the land invasion and the lack of governance and the strategic threat to the Jewish continuity in the eastern entrances of Jerusalem to the Dead Sea;

For some reason, the human tragedy there is more shocking.

So if the biggest ideological test of the contemporary right is to expel the unfortunates from Khan al-Ahmar as soon as possible, no matter what, I'd rather fail than pass with honors.

And it doesn't interest me that the High Court also ordered to evacuate.

It may be that interested parties in the international community and the Palestinian Authority are pushing the unfortunate residents of the dilapidated shanty outpost to this geographical point in order to create tension with Israel or to determine undesirable facts on the ground.

It is certainly possible that they are being used for provocation.

But it's a shame that the right uses them with the same cold-hearted cynicism to convey a message;

To prove to the world and to ourselves that we own the house.

This, by the way, is a kind of pathological disease on the right: somehow it is always a child of foreign workers whose parents do not have a valid residence permit, or a handful of war refugees from Ukraine who do not comply with one of the sections of the Law of Return - they are the great test of the right.

If we don't drive her out tomorrow morning, and if we don't screw up the blinds in front of them - it means that there is no governance and that the government is not right-wing.

I'm sorry: not only is it unconvincing - the face of the deep right is sad.

Khan al-Ahmar (archive), photo: Oren Ben Hakun

And the point is that all this petty stupidity sticks out on the edge of a historical reform, which has troubled the right in recent decades.

It is almost in the procedure, in the protocol: if there is a possibility of sabotaging the government's ability to reach a desired achievement when it is united, cohesive and permeated with a goal - there will be those on the right who will find a way to place side charges.

cloud the atmosphere.

This is exactly what happened when Trump and Netanyahu announced the "Plan of the Century", with a green light, historic, initial, to apply sovereignty - trust the right wing of the right wing to make every effort to neutralize the achievement.


You already know.

Because it's not right-wing enough.

What is right?

foil the plan of the century - then run and join the efforts to crush the national camp and establish a Lapid government with Meretz and Labor.

And I'm sure they already miss Benny Gantz and Amer Bar-Lev.

Oh-oh, how they miss you!

Nothing is enough

This will probably never change;

Some people need to get on the time machine and get off at the 2008 station, to remember how it felt to be right-wing in the era that preceded the left-wing Netanyahu and the not-right-wing-enough Likud government.

Brother, the good old days, after the trauma of disengagement, when the leading political forces developed fantasies about a second "convergence", when the media and the security elite marked Judea and Samaria as a cancerous tumor that must be cut off, when the settlers and religious-nationalists were all described as a messianic sect and a threat whose progress in the army and in public life should be limited, And when the entire settlement enterprise was defined as the only barrier to Israel's acceptance into the family of nations, to normality and "a fun place to live".

The 12 years of the Likud government radically changed reality.

From a "political tsunami" - to American backing for the application of sovereignty, an embassy in Jerusalem and recognition of the Golan.

it is not enough.

Khan al-Ahmar for the High Court? They will take the bin.

were we wrong

We will fix it!

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