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Algeria strongly condemns the bloody massacre of the Zionist occupation in Jenin camp

1/27/2023, 7:21:36 PM

Algeria-SANA Algeria strongly condemned the bloody massacre committed by the Zionist occupation forces in the Jenin camp


Algeria strongly condemned the bloody massacre committed by the Zionist occupation forces in the Jenin camp in the occupied Palestinian territories, which left dozens of martyrs and wounded, calling on the international community to intervene urgently against those responsible for this heinous crime and the series of repeated and heinous attacks against the Palestinian people.

The Algerian News Agency quoted the Algerian Ministry of Foreign Affairs as saying in a statement today: “This violent escalation by the Zionist occupation against defenseless Palestinian civilians confirms the need to urgently continue efforts to effectively reunite the Palestinian ranks and strengthen steadfastness, to ensure protection for the Palestinian people and consecrate their right to establish their state.” independent state with Jerusalem as its capital.

The ministry added: Algeria renews its firm support for the just Palestinian cause and its permanent solidarity with the proud Palestinian people, who have long called for Algeria to provide them with international protection by the UN Security Council and to put an end to the state of international indifference that contributed greatly to the persistence of the occupying power in its crimes and its blatant defiance of the laws. and all international laws.

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