The Limited Times

Vistara Airline: Crew apparently tied unruly passenger from Italy to the seat

1/31/2023, 2:59:12 PM

She is said to have spat on and hit the staff on her flight to Mumbai. Because she didn't seem to let the pilot calm her down either, the Italian was fixed. She denies the allegations.

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Welcome to Vistara - that's what this advertising photo of the airline is supposed to say

Photo: Vipin Kumar / Hindustan Times / IMAGO

A curious incident occurred on a flight of the Indian airline Vistara from Abu Dhabi to Mumbai.

The initial situation: A passenger was not satisfied with her seat and wanted to sit in another free seat.

Up to this point, the airline and the Italian's lawyer agree.

What happened after that?

That's where the depictions diverge.

As the "Times of India" reported, the airline presents it as follows: The passenger chose one of the more expensive business class seats.

When a crew member asked her to return to her seat, the trouble started.

The woman hit a crew member and spat on another.

A statement from the airline also states: The flight captain initially issued a warning, but then decided to have the passenger arrested because of her behavior.

Lawyer speaks of "disagreement"

According to the woman's lawyer, these are misrepresentations.

His client felt "uncomfortable" in her assigned seat and asked to be "seated in an empty seat," leading to a "disagreement" with the crew, Prabhakar Tripathi told the BBC.

According to him, the woman was initially not even allowed to go to the toilet because there was turbulence.

"Later she was allowed to go to the washroom but was tied up when she returned," Tripathi said, but denied Indian media reports that the woman was drunk.

In any case, this incident will have consequences.

Mumbai police told Indian media that the Italian was arrested after landing “for bad behavior” but was later released on bail.
