The Limited Times

Exhibition "A Century of Blue", stolen Dino Zoff gloves

2/1/2023, 3:18:56 PM

Model of '82, they were with other memorabilia exhibited in Fiumicino, in Rome (ANSA) A pair of Dino Zoff gloves of the model that the Azzurri goalkeeper used in the 1982 World Cup season in Spain were stolen from the 'Un Century d'Azzurro' exhibition displayed at the Hilton Rome Airport for a charity evening. "It is the first time that we have suffered such a serious theft in five years of activity - says Aldo Rossi Merighi, promoter of 'Un Secolo d'Azzurro' -. Zoff's gloves were

A pair of Dino Zoff gloves of the model that the Azzurri goalkeeper used in the 1982 World Cup season in Spain were stolen from the 'Un Century d'Azzurro' exhibition displayed at the Hilton Rome Airport for a charity evening.

"It is the first time that we have suffered such a serious theft in five years of activity - says Aldo Rossi Merighi, promoter of 'Un Secolo d'Azzurro' -. Zoff's gloves were one of the flagships of our collection of over 500 memorabilia from 1870 to 2023".

Gray and black with a fiery red palm, in homage to Spain, the gloves with the large UhlSport logo on the back were produced for Zoff who was about to play and win his last world championship and were then used by the goalkeeper also in the next season at Juventus.

A pair of gloves used in the World Cup are kept in the Football Museum of Coverciano, while the one stolen yesterday - informs Rossi Merighi for just over a month - has enriched the exhibition 'Un Century d'Azzurro'.