The Limited Times

Climate crisis: The battle for Lützerath has not yet been decided

2/3/2023, 3:42:19 PM

The village's fate is sealed, but does the same apply to the coal underground? Two reports raise doubts.

But trying to prevent the site from being cleared so that RWE's coal excavators would be denied access failed after just a few days.

So is the battle decided?

Not necessarily.

The aim of the climate movement was not to prevent the houses in Lützerath from being torn down, but rather to prevent the coal from being mined underneath them.

And whether that will actually happen is an open question.

Three things are important:

  • What energy companies will have to pay for CO₂ emissions in the coming years.

    Instruments such as emissions trading or CO2 prices can make burning fossil fuels significantly more expensive

  • How quickly renewable energies are being expanded and thus reducing the need for coal-fired power

  • How is the security of supply and whether additional fossil power plants are needed

Two reports this week underlined that despite the war in Ukraine, the days of coal-fired power generation may soon be numbered.

The Federal Network Agency calculated that a secure power supply would be guaranteed by 2030 even if coal were completely phased out.

The increasing demand for electricity from heat pumps, e-mobiles or electrolysers is already priced in.

It has been decided to bring forward the phase-out of coal in the Rhenish mining area by eight years to 2030, but this is still controversial in the East German mining areas.

In addition, coal did not even make a big comeback in 2022, which was particularly hard hit by the gas shortage.

An analysis by think tank Ember shows that coal-fired electricity production fell in the last four months of the year.

The EU used only a third of the 22 million tons of additional coal imported, and of the 26 units returned to reserve service, nine did not supply electricity.

And instead?

For the first time, wind and sun generated more electricity in the EU than any other source last year.

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The topics of the week

Prime Minister Stephan Weil: "There's a lot to be said for a speed limit" 

As a member of the VW supervisory board, Prime Minister Stephan Weil is a powerful man in the car company.

In SPIEGEL, the SPD politician explains why he is demanding 130 km/h on the autobahn, but rejects stricter emissions standards.

Fighting climate change: More green helps to prevent heat death 

Europe experienced the hottest summer in 2022, and further records will follow.

Now an analysis shows how many lives could be saved if more trees grew in cities.

Alternatives to motorway construction: What really helps against traffic jams 

Six, eight, ten lanes - and then the traffic flows?

Are you kidding me? Are you serious when you say that.

The expansion of motorways usually leads to new traffic jams on the roads.

Five alternatives to the traffic light coalition's controversial plans.

Debate in the podcast: Having children despite the climate crisis?

Johanna has “climate anxiety” and cannot imagine bringing children into this world.

Marit has a young son and sometimes gets stuck as a climate activist.

Here they talk about family planning in the crisis.

Climate forecast with artificial intelligence: According to a study, the 1.5-degree threshold could already be exceeded in the 2030s

A piece of software has produced pessimistic climate forecasts.

Important thresholds could then be exceeded earlier than expected.

In test calculations, at least, the program was correct.

From e-cars to eco-steel: How to make money with green products 

A new study shows that those who enter sustainable markets at an early stage can reap significant pioneering profits.

Because the climate-friendly conversion of industry could come faster than expected.

Stay Confident.

Yours sincerely, Kurt Stukenberg,

Head of Science Department