The Limited Times

Extreme cold in the USA: Temperature fluctuations at ever higher levels

2/3/2023, 2:30:51 PM

Temperatures of up to minus 40 degrees are expected in the USA and Canada. Jörg Kachelmann explains the phenomenon. His expectation: Relevant circles will again intentionally misinterpret the whole thing.

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Heating oil delivery in Farmington, Maine (USA): The frost boom arrives 1:1 further south.

Photo: Robert F Bukaty/AP

How is it looking?

The northeastern US and southeastern Canada are getting their coldest air mass in 30 to 40 years today and tomorrow.

These are the low temperatures of the coming night, click on the map to zoom in.

How can this be explained?

In North America, when air travels south from the north polar regions, there is nothing along the way to warm it up, the frost drone arrives 1:1 farther south.

It is important to remember that Boston, which was flash frozen in this eruption, is on the same latitude as Rome.

Nothing special happens here when air moves south from the North Pole, because the North Sea and Baltic Sea lie around and warm the air mass drastically on the way south.

If someone were to fill up both seas, we would have conditions like in the USA.

What's next?

Luckily for the people in northeastern North America, things happen very quickly.

Exemplary the forecast for Bangor in Maine (other locations via menu).

Two days after it's going to minus 30 degrees (with the wind added, that means it feels much colder and there are signs of freezing after a few minutes), the temperature is already rising above zero again.

Since fortunately hardly anyone outside of the German-speaking countries believes in bio-weather nonsense, nobody there worries about their health with such a change in temperature.

It's like entering a room with 20 degrees when it's minus 10 degrees outside - but not in 5 seconds like in real life, but spread out over 48 hours.

You have to be a potato to believe that this puts a strain on the organism.

What should I do?

Not the robber stories believe that such cold snaps have anything to do with climate change.

On the contrary, as one can logically imagine, the rapidly warming earth makes such super freeze episodes less frequent, as can be read here.

The climate crisis is bad enough that attributing things to it that have nothing to do with it doesn't help the fight against it.

And what are you doing?

I'm waiting for the climate change deniers from Julian Reichelt to Hans-Georg Maassen to the AfD and that they intentionally don't understand that it can still get cold in a warmer world.

The fluctuations up and down are not gone.

They only take place on average at an ever higher level.